1 lb. summer squash
2 ears corn
3 large shallots
2 large garlic cloves
1 fresh jalepeno chile
1 Tbs. olive oil
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
2-1/2 c. water
Garnish: fresh cilantro leaves and sour cream.

Cut summer squash crosswise into 1/2″ thick slices. Shuck the corn, and working over a bowl, cut kernels from cobs. Halve cobs. Chop shallots & mince garlic. Wearing rubber gloves, chop jalepeno chile, with seeds if desired. In a 5-quart heavy kettle combine all ingredients (including cobs), except water, and cook over moderate heat, stirring 3 minutes. Stir in water and simmer mixture until squash is very tender, about 15 minutes. Discard cobs. In a blender puree the mixture in batches until smooth (use caution when blending hot liquids), transferring to another bowl. Season soup with salt and pepper. Serve in bowls, and top with a dollop of sour cream and chopped cilantro, and if desired extra chopped jalepenos.

(Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)

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