Step 1:
Select your Drop Site: When you choose to purchase the Immune Booster CSA from Tantre Farm you will need to choose the number of boxes you intend to pick up from the location you prefer. You will see Agricole Farm Stop and Washtenaw Food Hub as pick up options. Please follow the corresponding pick up protocol. More specific details about each of these locations are available on our website.
- Agricole Farm Stop – WINTER LOCATION (118 N Main St., Chelsea)
- Washtenaw Food Hub (4175 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ann Arbor)

Step 2:
Create your Quantity: Click on the downward facing arrow next to “Qty” to choose the number of Immune Booster boxes you would like to pick up at either Chelsea Farmer’s Market (formerly Agricole Farm Stop) or the Washtenaw Food Hub in Ann Arbor. Pick up is on Saturdays between 9 AM and 12 PM. If you are running late or cannot make the pick up window, please contact Deb at 734-385-6748.
Step 3:
Confirm your Order: Please double check your preferred location (Note: the system language mentions “delivery date”, which is the date we deliver your CSA share to the pick up location you have selected). Confirm your total number of shares before proceeding.
Step 4:
Questions or Comments: Before you proceed to checkout, you may choose to enter questions, request a substitution for dietary restrictions (substitutions will be in the form of additional Tantre Farm produce based on availability), and share your favorite vegetable with us. Please use this field to specify a Venmo payment as well.
Step 5:
Contact Information and Subscription: Please enter your email address, your phone number, and your mailing address. ALL MEMBERS ARE CONSIDERED NEW, IF THEY HAVE NEVER USED THIS SYSTEM BEFORE.
Step 6:
Select Payment Option: PayPal is our preferred payment method, because it is processed online and does not require further follow up from us. Please note if you choose to use the COD option, leave us a note regarding your Venmo (Payments to @Deb-Lentz, and if a security code is needed use 6748) payment in Step 5. If you plan to pay by Cash please bring the cash in an envelope labeled with the Primary Contact’s Name and the week number. If you plan to pay with a Check, please make the check out to TANTRE FARM and write the week number in the “memo” field.
In your “Dashboard” you will have a negative balance until your payment is received and processed by Tantre Farm.
If you have any questions, please call 734-475-4323 or use the contact form to contact us. Refer to the Frequently Asked Questions and our Farm Policies, since it will answer many of your questions, especially if you are new to Tantre Farm CSA programs.
Thank you for your time and attention!