4 medium carrots
1 large apple
1 large pear
1 small jicama
1 medium cucumber
1 pineapple
1 bunch baby spinach
1 1/2 c golden raisins
1 c nuts and/or seeds, toasted
1/2 small red onion, finely minced
10-12 leaves fresh basil, shredded
2 limes
4 tbsp. walnut, peanut, or sesame oil
2 tbsp. honey
2 tsp. cracked white pepper
1/4 tsp. ground cardamom
A little minced basil
A little fresh grated ginger

Use a mandoline to slice the carrots, apples and pears into thin slabs. Be sure to dunk the apple slices in a little lemon juice as you go. Cut the pineapple to match. Peel and seed the cucumber, if desired, and cut to match. Throw all this together with spinach, rasins, nuts/seeds, onion, and shredded basil. In small saucepan, toast your oil. Add lime juice, zest, and honey; heat until honey melts (but don’t boil). Add the pepper, cardamom, basil and ginger. Heat for a little longer, then remove. Cool for just a few minutes, then pour over salad and toss. Possibilities: experiment with vinegar, oils, flavored honeys, veggies (celery, kale, peppers), fruits (melon, berries), fresh herbs (cilantro, mint), spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, mace), or preparation (grill the pineapple). Serves one army.

(contributed by Renee Bertsch, Tantre Farm worker)

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