2 c. brown rice, cooked
8 oz. Swiss chard leaves, torn or chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
16 oz. tomato-based sauce*
1 Tbsp. tamari soy sauce
2 c. shredded Co-jack cheese

Mix all the ingredients together and place in greased casserole. Cover. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven until cheese is thoroughly melted–about 20 minutes.

*The following sauces have been used with good results: marinara, enchilada, arriabiata, various salsas.

NOTE: More cheese can be layered on top. More sauce can also be used. It’s very easy to make several casseroles at once when there is a lot of chard available, then wrap and freeze. One recipe takes about 1 to 1 1/2 hour to cook when frozen. (contributed by Lisa Putman–CSA member)

(from Master Cook)


1-2 Tbs. butter
2 Tbs. water
1 lb. carrots, very thinly sliced
3 Tbs. fresh anise hyssop leaves or flowers, very finely chopped
1 Tbs. lemon juice

In a saucepan, melted butter, add water, and steam carrots, chopped anise hyssop and lemon juice for 6 to 10 minutes, just until tender, but still crisp. Salt to taste. Serve warm.

(Mad Mares Cookbook)


1 bunch turnips & greens or 1 bunch radishes & greens (well washed and chopped)
1 tsp. turmeric
½ tsp. mustard seeds
1-2 Tbs. oil
chili powder to taste
salt to taste
1 tsp. coriander powder
2-3 garlic scapes chopped

In sauté pan, heat oil on high heat. Add turmeric, mustard seeds, chili powder, coriander powder, salt. Stir over med-high heat for 2-3 min. Add turnips (root) and coat well with oil/spice mixture. Cook over med-high heat for a couple of minutes. Add garlic scapes and greens. Continue to cook on med-high heat for a couple of minutes. Turn heat down to low and cover for 5 min. Cook until desired consistency for turnips is achieved (some like crunch, some like soft). Serve as side dish or main meal for one person.

(contributed by CSA member, Anu Whitelocke)


1-1/2 pounds turnips, peeled, cut into 3/4-inch cubes
6 tablespoons butter
1-1/2 pounds EACH parsnips & carrots, peeled, cut into 1-inch lengths
1/3 cup golden brown sugar
1-3/4 cups broth

Melt butter in skillet over medium-high heat. Add turnips, carrots & parsnips. Saute 5 minutes, stir often. Stir in broth & sugar. Cover, bring to a boil. Uncover; reduce heat to medium & simmer until vegetables are tender & liquid is reduced to syrup, stir often, about 30 minutes. Season with salt & pepper to taste. Serves 12.

(Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)


1-1/2 pounds small turnips (1-2 inches across) weighed without greens
3 tsp. salt
pepper to taste
5 Tbs. butter (or light oil)
2 to 3 leeks, white parts only, sliced (about 8 oz.)
6 sprigs of thyme or 1/4 tsp. dried thyme
4 cups milk (can substitute 2 cups soy milk or 2 cups vegetable stock)
2-3 cups chopped turnip greens
fresh chopped thyme for garnish (optional)

Peel the turnips (thickly if they are large and mature) and slice them into rounds about 1/4 inch thick. Bring 2-3 quarts of water to a boil; add 2 tsp. salt and the turnips. Cover the pot and cook for 1 minute, then drain. Melt 3 Tbs. of butter in a soup pot with 1/2 cup of water. Add sliced leeks, blanched turnips, thyme, and 1 tsp. salt. Stew them, covered, over medium-low heat for 5 minutes. Then add milk. Slowly heat it without bringing it to a boil. Cook, stirring occasionally, until turnips are completely tender (about 10 minutes or less). Cool the soup. Puree it in a blender or food processor. Sort the turnip greens and pick out the freshest ones; rinse them well. Chop them roughly or fine, as you prefer. Melt the remaining 2 Tbs. butter in a pan, add turnip greens and cook over medium heat until tender, about 5-10 minutes. Season lightly with salt and pepper. Then add to soup and stir in well. Garnish with fresh chopped thyme (optional). Serves 4-6.

(The Greens Cookbook)


bunch of turnip greens
1 onion, chopped or 5-7 scallions
1 sliced carrot or 2 sliced bananas
olive oil
salt and pepper
1 Tbs. toasted sesame seed

Wash and cut up greens. Stir-fry onion until translucent. Add the greens and cook 4-5 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste, then add bananas. Cover and wait just long enough for bananas to heat through. Sprinkle with toasted sesame seed and serve. (An alternative is to stir-fry sliced turnips and carrots 4 minutes. Add greens and stir-fry 5 minutes. Sprinkle with grated cheese.)

(What Do You Do with This Stuff? An Alphabetized Cookbook for the Less Familiar Vegetables)


4-5 cups fresh vegetables (broccoli, beets, green beans, etc.
2 Tbsp. melted butter
2 Tbsp. honey
1-2 Tbsp. minced fresh thyme or ½ to 1 tsp. dried thyme
Salt and pepper

Cut vegetables into 2-inch pieces. Cook vegetables in small amount of water until crisp tender. Drain very well. Combine melted butter, honey, and thyme; toss mixture with the veggies. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve immediately. Makes 3-4 servings.

(From Asparagus to Zucchini by MACSAC)


Your pasta of choice, preferably curved or with ridges
1/2 stick unsalted butter
Salt and pepper
Leaves of 2 to 3 bunches of tatsoi, rinsed
1/2 cup chopped sage
Freshly grated parmesan
Lemon wedges, optional

Cook pasta to al dente in salted water. When pasta almost done, melt butter in a skillet. Swirl the butter in the pan as it foams. (At this point, remove pasta from the heat and drain well in a colander.) When butter begins to brown, toss in pasta and mix to coat with butter. Salt and pepper to taste. Add tatsoi and sage and cook until slightly wilted, about 1 to 2 minutes. Serve immediately with grated parmesan and lemon wedges on the side. Serves 2.



1 tsp. canola oil
½ cup onion, chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
1 medium carrot, chopped
½ cup turnip, chopped
1 sweet potato, peeled and chopped
1 cup winter squash, peeled and chopped
½ cup sweet red or green pepper, chopped’
1 tsp. garlic, minced
3 cups vegetable stock or water
½ tsp. minced fresh thyme, or 2 Tbsp. parsley, chopped
2 cups kale (beet green, turnip green, Asian green, cabbage)
1 cup unsweetened soymilk
Salt and pepper to taste

Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium heat and cook onions, celery, turnip, and carrot for 5 minutes. Add sweet potato, squash, bell pepper, garlic, stock or water, and herbs. Reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Boil greens in lightly salted water for 3 to 5 minutes. Drain and set aside. Purée soup in a blender (or use a stick blender in saucepan) until smooth. Return to saucepan. Stir in the soymilk, cooked greens, and salt and pepper to taste. Slowly heat the soup, being very careful not to boil. Serves 6.

(from 366 Simply Delicious Dairy Free Recipes by Robin Robertson) Serves 6.


2 lb. sweet potatoes, peeled
vegetable oil for frying
coarse salt

Slice into 1/4-inch sticks. Put the sweet potatoes in a saucepan, cover with cold water by a least an inch, and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer until crisp-tender, about 3 minutes. Drain and dry thoroughly on towels. Heat at least 3-inches of oil in a deep pot to 360 to 365 degrees, and heat slotted spoon or skimmer with it. Drop the sweet potatoes by large handfuls into the oil. Cook, stirring a few times, until the sweet potatoes are deeply golden, about 4 minutes. Lift the fries out with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Sprinkle with salt (or try cayenne pepper) and serve immediately.

(One Potato, Two Potato by Roy Finamore with Molly Stevens)