Week 17: September 14 – 20, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #17
Sept. 14-20, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS(E-Z Pick): a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

BEETS (Cylindra): A uniquely-shaped 6” cylindrical beet with especially sweet flavor. No tops this week, so just roots. This heirloom is a favorite with chefs due to uniform slices and ease of peeling. See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

CABBAGE: You will receive Tendersweet Cabbage (Midsize, flat heads; tender leaves are very thin, sweet, and crisp – perfect for coleslaw or stir-fries). See Week 8 for usage and storage information.

SWEET CORN (Vision): exceptionally tender, deep yellow kernels; great for fresh eating or freezing. See Week 13 for usage and storage information.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available on the farm): A bouquet per household of up to 15 stems will be part of your share, if you are able to come and pick it. This means that if you are splitting a share, each household can pick a bouquet. More information about u-pick flowers is in the “Announcements” section.

FRESH HERBS: **We finally have “cilantro” back for you cilantro lovers! In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. *You may choose ONE from the following 2 Herbs:
Italian Flat-leaf Parsley—flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish & poultry.
Cilantro– the flat, delicate, lacy-edged leaves and stems of the coriander plant, which look a lot like flat-leaf parsley, but has a distinctive, almost citrus fragrance that lends itself to highly spiced foods. Store in jar of water.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

ONIONS: You will receive Big Daddy (large Spanish type yellow onion, delicately textured flesh is superb raw, and makes magnificent French onion soup; may last 8-10 months in storage) or Mars Red (purple-red skinned onion with sweet flavor. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

PAC CHOI (Asian Green): also sometimes called “bok choy”; crisp, crunchy, broad green, oval leaves, which taper to white stalks forming a perfect vase shape when small; slight mustard flavor
-How to use: delightful addition to stir-fries, soups, noodle and meat dishes, and salads
-How to store: Wrap in a damp towel or plastic bag in the refrigerator lasting for up to 1 week.

HOT PEPPERS: You will receive Jalapeño (small, conical pepper, ranging from green to red; hot chile pepper used commonly in Mexican or southwestern cooking) or Joe’s Long Cayenne (long, slender cayenne with medium heat; bright red, 8-10″ long, thin-fleshed fruits taper to a skinny point; excellent for homemade hot sauce and dry well for ristras and delicious, dried hot pepper flakes). See Week 12 for usage and storage information.

SWEET RED PEPPERS: You will receive Red Knight Bell (big, blocky, thick-walled, green-to-red pepper with sweet flesh) or Carmen (6 inch long, tapered fruit that ripens from green to a deep “carmine” red; sweet taste in salads and when roasted and fully red-ripe). See Week 14 for usage and storage information.

POTATOES: You will receive Yukon Gold (yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried) or Red Norland (smooth, red skin & white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted). See Week 7 for storage information.

RADISHES: You will receive Pink Beauty (pink-colored root with mild, spicy flavor). See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

RAPINI: also called “Broccoli Raab” or Rabe or Rape; leafy green with 6 to 9 inch stalks and scattered clusters of tiny broccoli-like buds (some of ours don’t have buds yet, so just the leaf); traditional Italian specialty combining qualities of broccoli and mustard greens. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

U-PICK RASPBERRIES (only available on the farm): The sweet fall red and golden raspberries are still here. 1 pint is available as part of your share this week, if you are able to come out to the farm and pick it yourself. $4 for any extra pints picked.

TOMATOES: You will receive several of the following varieties: heirlooms such as Brandywine Rose, “slicers” such as Geronimo or Rebelski, “sauce” tomatoes such as: Granadero or Juliet, and also some pints of grape or cherry tomatoes. See Week 12 for storage and usage information.

WINTER SQUASH: Everyone will receive Acorn (small, green ribbed squash with pale yellow flesh; great stuffed with rice, breading, or soups) and Spaghetti (3-5-pounds, pale yellow, oblong, smooth, medium size, only mildly sweet with “spaghetti” (stringy) flesh; bake like squash or boil and fork out the flesh, topping the “spaghetti” flesh with your favorite sauce; mildly sweet).
-How to use: Slice in half, scoop seeds out and bake with a little water in baking pan at 350 degrees for 40 minutes or until tender; boil or steam chunks for 15-20 minutes, or until tender (peel skins off “before” or “after“ cooked, but “after” is easiest when it’s cooled); mash cooked squash with butter; purée cooked squash for creamy soup, or add uncooked chunks to soups or stews; add small amounts to yeast breads, muffins, cookies, pies, oatmeal, etc.
-How to store: Keep for several months (depending on the variety) in a dry, moderately warm (50-60 degrees), but not freezing location with 60-75% humidity; will also store at room temperature.


1. ENDING SUMMER CSA DATES: The end is drawing near. This is just a reminder that our summer shares are ending in just a few weeks. That means Oct. 8 (Wed.), Oct. 10 (Fri.), and Oct. 11 (Sat.) are the last distribution days.

2. EXTENDED FALL CSA SHARE COMING FOR 2014: We have been getting requests already for our Extended Fall CSA Share. This share runs for 3 weeks from Oct. 12 through Nov. 1 for $100 celebrating all the bounty of the fall vegetables! There usually is plenty of room, since we still have a lot of vegetables in the fields. We ask for your patience though, since we are still sifting through an online registration idea with a NEW CSA management program, which is taking a bit of time to set up and sort through. This should save us valuable time and paper, so that you can fill out the registration through our website and pay online. You will still have the option to pay by check or cash as well, and we can help with online registration if you do not use a computer or this is difficult for you for some reason. We will be sending out an email notice in the coming week or two. Non-members are welcome, so encourage others to register too. **Chelsea Farmers Market will not have a distribution on Saturdays though for the Fall Shares. The other distribution sites and days are the same.

3. FALL WORK PARTY/END-OF SEASON POTLUCK will be this coming Sunday, Sept. 21, between 1-4 P.M. Our end-of-season potluck will also be at this time, so please bring an hors d’oeuvre, snack, or refreshment to pass. Members are invited to bring family and friends to help harvest squash, pumpkins, and potatoes before the first frost. You may also come just to enjoy the farm and walk around to see the produce and the animals, listen to music, or just eat at the potluck around 3 or 4 P.M. We also will have sit-down activities, such as onion or garlic cleaning or dried herb stripping. Lots of kid-friendly activities, such as wagon rides, feeding animals, and bubbles. All who come will be able to take something home with them, such as a pumpkin or a winter squash. Hope to see you here for lots of fun!

4. TOMATO PRESERVING WORKSHOP at Tantre Farm: Despite the fact that our bulk harvest of tomatoes is happening now, this workshop is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27 from 3 to 6 PM due to our guest presenter’s schedule. There should still be plenty of tomatoes, but feel free to buy and freeze some now, so you will be able to can them later. Kristen Uthus (Tantré Farm worker–2002) will teach mostly how to can tomatoes, but also some information will be on dehydrating and freezing them. There will be active participation and “take-home” samples for those attending. Plan on bringing a Quart Size Canning Jar. Please register with your Name, Phone Number, and E-mail Address in the body of the email to us. There will be a small $5 fee for materials. Bulk tomatoes will be available for you to buy. This is a great time for canning, freezing, or dehydrating!

5. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you. –U-pick Golden/Red Raspberries—1 pint free. Extra $4/pint
–U-pick Flowers–You may pick 1 bouquet of up to 15 stems per household for “free”. Whenever possible if you can donate $1 or $2 that will help to pay for some seed and labor costs. Extra bouquets will cost $4.
–Already Picked Tomatoes—available for canning or freezing. Many slicer and heirloom varieties. Very easy to freeze!
-Members– $1/lb. for “perfect” (no blemishes) tomatoes and $0.50/lb. for “2nds” (cracks, bruising, very ripe, but good parts).
-Non members–$1.25/lb. for perfect tomatoes & $0.75 for 2nds.
–U-pick Tomatoes—many tomato varieties are ready for picking.
-Members–$0.50/lb. Non members–$0.75/lb.

6. IMPORTANT!!! PLASTIC OR PAPER GROCERY BAGS AND YOGURT CONTAINERS (quart size for u-pick flowers) STILL NEEDED, if you would like to donate some to the farm or at markets. We are running extremely low. CSA members keep taking them, but not replacing them. Please help us out!

7. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options every day.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.


1 spaghetti squash, 8 inches long
2 Tbs. butter
1 c. chopped onion
dash of thyme
2 medium cloves garlic, minced
1 tsp. dried basil
1/2 pound fresh, sliced mushrooms
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
salt and pepper to taste
1 c. grated mozzarella cheese
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
1/4 c. chopped fresh parsley
1 c. cottage or ricotta cheese
1 c. fine bread crumbs
Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Halve the squash and scoop out seeds. Bake face-down on oiled sheet until it is easily pierced by a fork, about 30 minutes. Let stand until cool enough to touch, then scoop out pulp and place in large bowl. Meanwhile, heat butter and sauté onions, garlic, and mushrooms with herbs, salt and pepper. When onions are soft, add tomatoes and continue to cook until most of the liquid evaporates. Stir this mixture into squash pulp with remaining ingredients except Parmesan. Spread into buttered 2-quart casserole. Top with Parmesan. Bake uncovered for 30-40 minutes. Serves 4-6.

Slice in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds and place face down in baking pan. Add just enough water to keep squash from drying out and hasten cooking. It will need to bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes to 1 1/2 hours, depending on size. Cook until very tender, but not charred. It may be served in skins or scooped out and mashed. Add butter and salt or brown sugar and maple syrup to the pulp.

Week 16: September 7 – 13, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #16
Sept. 7-13, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under “CSA INFO” or under “RECIPES”.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS(E-Z Pick): a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

CABBAGE: You will receive Express (solid, round, 2-4 lb. red heads) or Tendersweet Cabbage (Midsize, flat heads; tender leaves are very thin, sweet, and crisp – perfect for coleslaw or stir-fries). See Week 8 for usage and storage information.

SWEET CORN (Vision): exceptionally tender, deep yellow kernels; great for fresh eating or freezing. See Week 13 for usage and storage information.

EGGPLANT: You will receive Nadia (slender, purplish-black, glossy-like, bell-shaped fruit), Rosa Biana (an Italian heirloom; round fruit streaked with white and violet), or Orient Express (long, lavender fruit). See Week 11 for usage and storage information.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available on the farm): A bouquet per household of up to 15 stems will be part of your share, if you are able to come and pick it. This means that if you are splitting a share, each household can pick a bouquet. More information about u-pick flowers is in the “Announcements” section.

GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; used in a variety of culinary dishes. See Week 7 for usage and storage information.

FRESH HERBS (only available on the farm): This week there will be no fresh herbs again, unless you are able to come to the farm and pick your own. Lots of varieties of herbs, just no time to harvest them. Basil is available for gleaning, but most plants still have the downy mildew and every so often a good sprig, if anyone wants to pick the plants before they are tilled under. We are making pesto out of it anyway. There will be no more basil this season, so this is it! Please feel free to come and volunteer any day this week and next week to help us out.

KALE (Red Russian Kale): the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged. See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

HOT PEPPERS: You will receive Jalapeño (small, conical pepper, ranging from green to red; hot chile pepper used commonly in Mexican or southwestern cooking) or Serrano (cylindrical fruit with excellent, very hot flavor; usually eaten fresh green in sauces, condiments, or as a key ingredient in fiery Mexican dishes) or . See Week 12 for usage and storage information.

SWEET RED PEPPERS: You will receive Ace (medium-sized green-to-red bell pepper) or Red Knight Bell (big, blocky, thick-walled, green-to-red pepper with sweet flesh) or Carmen (6 inch long, tapered fruit that ripens from green to a deep “carmine” red; sweet taste in salads and when roasted and fully red-ripe). See Week 14 for usage and storage information. **Extra “seconds” of peppers will be available on the farm for chopping and freezing.

POTATOES: You will receive German Butterball (a round to oblong tuber with lightly netted golden skin that wraps around deep yellow flesh. Slightly dry flesh, this is good for everything – frying, baking, mashing, soups) or All Blue (an heirloom potato with deep blue skin and flesh; moist texture; perfect in salads, baked, or boiled) *Interesting note: Most blue fleshed cultivars contain 90 times more antioxidants than white tubers, and the antioxidants in potato tubers are enhanced by cooking them. See Week 7 for storage information.

U-PICK RASPBERRIES (only available on the farm): The sweet fall red and golden raspberries are just coming in. 1 pint is available as part of your share this week, if you are able to come out to the farm and pick it yourself. $4 for any extra pints picked.

SWISS CHARD: close relative of garden beets; multi-colored, large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor. See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

TOMATOES: You will receive an heirloom variety from the following: Pruden’s Purple (early Brandywine type; vivid dark pink, heirloom tomato with smooth, crimson flesh; delicious flavor and large–1 lb.+ fruit), Rose (deep pink, heirloom, medium-sized tomato, which is meaty and flavorful). You may also choose from the following sauce tomatoes such as: Granadero (bright red, 4-5 oz. plum tomatoes with very good flavor; thick-walled fruit are good for fresh tomato sauces, salsas, and salads) or Striped Roman (long, roma-shaped tomatoes have orange stripes running down the length of the fruit; very thick and meaty with a nice rich flavor). See Week 12 for storage and usage information.

1. ENDING SUMMER CSA DATES: The end is drawing near. This is just a reminder that our summer shares are ending in just a few weeks. That means Oct. 8 (Wed.), Oct. 10 (Fri.), and Oct. 11 (Sat.) are the last distribution days.

2. EXTENDED FALL CSA SHARE COMING FOR 2014: We have been getting requests already for our Extended Fall CSA Share. This share runs for 3 weeks from Oct. 12 through Nov. 1 for $100 celebrating all the bounty of the fall vegetables! There usually is plenty of room, since we still have a lot of vegetables in the fields. We ask for your patience though, since we will be offering online registration through a NEW CSA management program, which is taking a bit of time to set up and sort through. This should save us valuable time and paper, so that you can fill out the registration through our website and pay online. You will still have the option to pay by check or cash as well, and we can help with online registration if you do not use a computer or this is difficult for you for some reason. We will be sending out an email notice in the coming week or two. Non-members are welcome, so encourage others to register too. **Chelsea Farmers Market will not have a distribution on Saturdays though for the Fall Shares. The other distribution sites and days are the same.

3. FALL WORK PARTY/END-OF SEASON POTLUCK will be Sunday, Sept. 21, between 1-4 P.M. Our end-of-season potluck will also be at this time, so please bring an hors d’oeuvre, snack, or refreshment to pass. Members are invited to bring family and friends to help harvest squash, pumpkins, and potatoes before the first frost. You may also come just to enjoy the farm and walk around to see the produce and the animals, listen to music, or just eat at the potluck around 3 or 4 P.M. We also will have sit-down activities, such as onion or garlic cleaning or dried herb stripping. Lots of kid-friendly activities, such as wagon rides, feeding animals, and bubbles. All who come will be able to take something home with them, such as a pumpkin or a winter squash. Hope to see you here for lots of fun!

4. TOMATO PRESERVING WORKSHOP at Tantre Farm: Despite the fact that our bulk harvest of tomatoes is happening now, this workshop is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27 from 3 to 6 PM due to our guest presenter’s schedule. There should still be plenty of tomatoes, but feel free to buy and freeze some now, so you will be able to can them later. Kristen Uthus (Tantré Farm worker–2002) will teach mostly how to can tomatoes, but also some information will be on dehydrating and freezing them. There will be active participation and “take-home” samples for those attending. Plan on bringing a Quart Size Canning Jar. Please register with your Name, Phone Number, and E-mail Address in the body of the email to us. There will be a small $5 fee for materials. Bulk tomatoes will be available for you to buy. This is a great time for canning, freezing, or dehydrating!

5. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you.
*U-pick Golden/Red Raspberries—1 pint free. Extra $4/pint
*U-pick Flowers–You may pick 1 bouquet of up to 15 stems per household for “free”. Extra bouquets will cost $4.
*Already Picked Tomatoes—available for canning or freezing. Many slicer and heirloom varieties. Very easy to freeze! Members– $1/lb. for “perfect” (no blemishes) tomatoes and $0.50/lb. for “2nds” (cracks, bruising, very ripe, but good parts).
*Non members–$1.25/lb. for perfect tomatoes & $0.75 for 2nds.
*U-pick Tomatoes—many tomato varieties are ready for picking.
*Members–$0.50/lb. Non members–$0.75/lb.

6. PLASTIC OR PAPER GROCERY BAGS AND YOGURT CONTAINERS (quart size for u-pick flowers) STILL NEEDED, if you would like to donate some to the farm or at markets. We are running low.

7. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options every day.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.


BLUE POTATO HASH BROWNS (www.garden-wiki.org/index.php5?topic=BLUE POTATO)
2 large blue potatoes or 3 medium
1 medium sweet onion
1 green or red bell pepper
Your favorite cheese
Canola Oil
**Dice potatoes with a knife into small cubes (or shred for variety). Dice or slice onions and pepper. Place the above onto a hot skillet and add a few tablespoons of oil. Salt to taste. Cook them until they’ve been browning for a few minutes. Slice or shred cheese and toss onto hash browns just before removing them from the skillet to melt it. That’s it. Eat it. Perhaps next time you can try some tomatoes in the mix!

SPICY CORN KERNEL “PAN” CAKE (From Asparagus to Zucchini: A Guide to Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce, MACSAC) Serves 4.
2 Tbs. vegetable oil
3 heaping c. fresh corn kernels (cut from 6-8 ears)
2 Tbs. minced fresh basil, cilantro, or parsley
2 Tbs. minced green onion
1-2 Tbs. minced jalapeño or serrano pepper
3 Tbs. cornmeal
3 Tbs. flour
salt & freshly ground black pepper to taste
Garnish: fresh basil, cilantro or parsley
freshly made or bottled salsa
**Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Measure oil into a heavy, ovenproof, medium-sized skillet (cast-iron is best) and heat pan in oven for 30 minutes. Combine remaining ingredients except the last two in a bowl, then press evenly into hot pan. (Don’t stir corn in the pan, or the crust won’t form properly.) Bake 25-30 minutes, until edges are brown and crispy. Run a spatula around the outer rim and underneath the corn cake to loosen it from the pan. Wearing hot pads, place a heat-proof serving plate face down over the pan and invert pan so the cake drops onto plate. Garnish with fresh herbs and serve with salsa. Gluten free!

1 bunch arugula
4 tomatoes
2 hard-boiled eggs
1 onion or 4-6 scallions, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbs. red wine vinegar
6 Tbs. olive oil
4 Tbs. chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste
**Wash and spin off excess moisture. Remove tough stems. Cut tomatoes into 1 in. cubes. Peel and quarter eggs. Combine all ingredients and mix. Sauté in olive oil for only 5 seconds and toss with pasta, if desired.

Week 15: August 31 – September 6, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #15
Aug. 31-Sept. 6, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS(E-Z Pick): a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

CABBAGE: You will receive Tendersweet Cabbage (Midsize, flat heads; tender leaves are very thin, sweet, and crisp – perfect for coleslaw or stir-fries). See Week 8 for usage and storage information.

CARROTS: You will receive Bolero (excellent long-term, storage carrot with medium-long, thick, blunt, orange roots). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

SWEET CORN (Vision): exceptionally tender, deep yellow kernels; great for fresh eating or freezing. See Week 13 for usage and storage information.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available on the farm): A bouquet per household of up to 15 stems will be part of your share, if you are able to come and pick it. This means that if you are splitting a share, each household can pick a bouquet. More information about u-pick flowers is in the “Announcements” section.

FRESH HERBS: This week there will be no fresh herbs, unless you come to the farm and pick your own. Several college students have gone back to school in August, and we just don’t have enough interns to pick the herbs for everyone, while we are transition with new people joining us later in September. Please feel free to come and volunteer any day this week and next week to help us out.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

ONIONS: You will receive Big Daddy (large Spanish type yellow onion, delicately textured flesh is superb raw, and makes magnificent French onion soup; may last 8-10 months in storage) or Mars Red (purple-red skinned onion with sweet flavor. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

HOT PEPPERS (Jalapeño): small and conical pepper, ranging from green to red; hot chile pepper used commonly in Mexican or southwestern cooking. See Week 12 for usage and storage information.

SWEET RED PEPPERS: You will receive Ace (medium-sized green-to-red bell pepper) or Red Knight Bell (big, blocky, thick-walled, green-to-red pepper with sweet flesh). See Week 14 for usage and storage information.

POTATOES: You will receive Yukon Gold (yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; long storage and good tasting; perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried) or Red Norland (smooth, red skin & white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted). See Week 7 for storage information.

U-PICK RASPBERRIES (only available on the farm): The sweet fall red and golden raspberries are just coming in. 1 pint is available as part of your share this week, if you are able to come out to the farm and pick it yourself. $4 for any extra pints picked.

TATSOI: an Asian green with small, spoon-shaped, thick, dark-green leaves with tangy, sweet flavor. See Week 14 for usage and storage information.

TOMATOES: You may choose from a variety of Heirloom tomatoes this week. See the feature article on what “heirloom” means. You will receive something of the following: Japanese Black Trifele (unusual pear-shaped, heirloom tomato with burgundy, greenish color and excellent, rich flavor), Pruden’s Purple (early Brandywine type; vivid dark pink, heirloom tomato with smooth, crimson flesh; delicious flavor and large–1 lb.+ fruit), Rose (deep pink, heirloom, medium-sized tomato, which is meaty and flavorful). You may also choose from sauce or slicing tomatoes such as: Verona (similar to Juliet, but with even tastier, somewhat plumper, deep red “cocktail plum” fruits; good in sauces and in salads) or Granadero (bright red, 4-5 oz. plum tomatoes with very good flavor; thick-walled fruit are good for fresh tomato sauces, salsas, and salads) or Geronimo (newer variety but already one of the most widely used beefsteak varieties; fruits are very large, firm, nice red color and good taste). We pick heirloom tomatoes slightly green to prevent splitting and damage, while transporting. Heirlooms are softer and more perishable when ripe. Best to store upside down at room temperature until completely ripe. See Week 12 for storage and usage information.

WATERMELON: You will receive Sugar Baby (6 to 10 lb. icebox melon with sweet, deep red flesh and solid dark green skin) or Sarah’s Choice Cantaloupe (sweet tasting, thick, orange flesh with corky net on the skin; medium-sized, oval fruit) or Starlight (10-12 lb. round fruit; deep green with highly contrasting black stripes and pink flesh; excellent flavor with crisp texture). See Week 11 for usage and storage information.


1. FALL WORK PARTY/END-OF SEASON POTLUCK will be Sunday, Sept. 21, between 1-4 P.M. Our end-of-season potluck will also be at this time, so please bring an hors d’oeuvre, snack, or refreshment to pass. Members are invited to bring family and friends to help harvest squash, pumpkins, and potatoes before the first frost. You may also come just to enjoy the farm and walk around to see the produce and the animals, listen to music, or just eat at the potluck around 3 or 4 P.M. We also will have sit-down activities, such as onion or garlic cleaning or dried herb stripping. Lots of kid-friendly activities, such as wagon rides, feeding animals, and bubbles. All who come will be able to take something home with them, such as a pumpkin or a winter squash. Please dress appropriately for the weather, since it will be scheduled rain or shine.

2. TOMATO PRESERVING WORKSHOP at Tantre Farm: This workshop is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 27 from 3 to 6 PM. Kristen Uthus (Tantré Farm worker–2002) will teach mostly how to can tomatoes, but also some information will be on dehydrating and freezing them. There will be active participation and “take-home” samples for those attending. Plan on bringing a Quart Size Canning Jar. Please register with your Name, Phone Number, and E-mail Address in the body of the email to us. There will be a small $5 fee for materials. Bulk tomatoes will be available for you to buy. This is a great time for canning, freezing, or dehydrating!

3. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you.
U-pick Golden/Red Raspberries—1 pint free. Extra $4/pint
U-pick Flowers–You may pick 1 bouquet of up to 15 stems per household for “free”. Whenever possible if you can donate $1 or $2 that will help to pay for some seed and labor costs. Extra bouquets will cost $4.
Already Picked Tomatoes—available for canning or freezing. Many slicer and heirloom varieties. Very easy to freeze!
–Members– $1/lb. for “perfect” (no blemishes) tomatoes and $0.50/lb. for “2nds” (cracks, bruising, very ripe, but good parts).
–Non members–$1.25/lb. for perfect tomatoes & $0.75 for 2nds.
U-pick Tomatoes—many tomato varieties are ready for picking.
–Non members–$0.75/lb.

4. PLASTIC OR PAPER GROCERY BAGS AND YOGURT CONTAINERS (quart size for u-pick flowers) STILL NEEDED, if you would like to donate some to the farm or at markets. We are running low.

5. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options every day.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

(by Joel Heeres, “Tantré alumnus“)

It’s not a loom for your heirs, as you might think. Heirloom fruit and vegetable varieties are hundreds and sometimes thousands of years old. Heirlooms differ in shape, color, size, flavor, and storability, but they all share one characteristic– their seeds can be saved one season to plant in the next. Heirloom varieties have been bred by local farmers and gardeners over many generations and have been established as stable varieties that grow “true to seed“. These varieties are special, because they have been adapted to certain climates over a long time.

Heirloom vegetables are often more flavorful than hybrid vegetables. Hybrids are bred for high productivity, disease and pest resistance, drought resistance, and hardiness. While these traits are undeniably helpful, they often come at the cost of flavor. In addition, farmers cannot save seed from hybrid crops, as they are unstable crosses from two different varieties.

In summary, heirloom crops are beneficial to small farmers and home gardeners, because their seeds can be saved to plant again. They have better flavor and are more unique than hybrids, although they can be less hardy and prone to diseases.

At Tantré Farm, we grow both hybrid and heirloom crops. Some of the crops we grow from heirloom seeds are tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, winter squash, potatoes, onions, kale, beans, turnips, and radishes. Sometimes we will have some varieties of heirlooms only on the market tables, since we may not have a lot of them available. We’ll try to let you know when you are getting heirloom produce in your share box.


EIGHT GREAT WAYS TO SERVE SUMMER TOMATOES (Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)

1. Cut tomatoes into wedges. Toss with finely chopped shallots, then splash with lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil.
2. Cut tomatoes in half lengthwise. Remove center of each, and fill with a large basil leaf and a chunk of fresh mozzarella cheese. Drizzle with purchased garlic-infused oil, and wrap in foil. Roast on an outdoor grill for five minutes.
3. Cut tomatoes in wedges. Shower with grated Parmesan cheese. Top with fresh oregano and a drizzle of olive oil.
4. Cut tomatoes into chunks, and place in blender. Add a pinch of sea salt, a few fresh basil leaves and several ice cubes. Blend until smooth and frothy for a refreshing drink.
5. Cube tomatoes and firm ricotta salt or feta cheese. Toss with cooked orzo (rice-shaped pasta), fresh mint and a favorite vinaigrette.
6. For bruchetta, top grilled Italian bread with a mixture of chopped tomatoes, minced garlic, extra- virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
7. Toss arugula with chopped tomatoes, orange segments, basil and toasted pine nuts. Dress with olive oil, orange juice and a splash of wine vinegar.
8. Slather a thick slice of white bread with good mayonnaise. Cover with thick slices of juicy tomatoes. Sprinkle with coarse salt and Szechuan pepper or some cracked mixed peppercorns.

**Additional simple tomato recipes and an interesting related article can be found in Mark Bittman’s New York Times article from August 5, 2011 called “The Proper Ways to Treat an Heirloom”. Well worth trying!http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2011/08/07/magazine/mag-07eat-recipes.html

Olive oil
1 carrot, sliced
2 garlic cloves, minced
6 mushrooms, sliced
1 onion, chopped
1 bunch tatsoi
salt and pepper to taste

Sauté garlic and onion in olive oil until translucent. Add carrot slices and sauté 3 minutes. Add sliced tat soi stems and cook another minute. Salt and pepper to taste. Add mushroom slices and stir fry another minute. Add tat soi greens and steam with a cover for 3 minutes. Add a little hot water, if necessary.

Week 14: August 24 – 30, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #14
Aug. 24-30, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS or YELLOW BEANS: You will receive E-Z Pick (a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor) or Rocdor (long, slender, yellow bean; meaty, firm texture and no watery taste). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

BROCCOLI or CABBAGE: You will receive Bay Meadows (blue green, well-domed heads; tiny buds that are clustered on top of stout, edible stems) or Tendersweet Cabbage (Midsize, flat heads; tender leaves are very thin, sweet, and crisp – perfect for coleslaw or stir-fries). See Week 8 for usage and storage information.

CARROTS: You will receive Bolero (excellent long-term, storage carrot with medium-long, thick, blunt, orange roots). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

SWEET CORN (Delectable): a mid-main season bicolor with large, well-filled 8” long ears and dark green husks; terrific for fresh eating and processing. See Week 13 for usage and storage information.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available on the farm): The flowers are really starting to swell into rainbows of colorful blooms. A bouquet per household of up to 15 stems will be part of your share, if you are able to come and pick it. This means that if you are splitting a share, each household can pick a bouquet. Keep in mind that u-pick flowers will be part of your share until the first frost stops them from producing. More information about u-pick flowers is in the “Announcements” section.

GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; used in a variety of culinary dishes. See Week 7 for usage and storage information.

FRESH HERBS: In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. *You may choose ONE from the following 3 Herbs:
French Sorrel–slightly tart, lemon-flavored green; excellent for salads, soups, and sauces; can be used in omelets, breads, or cooked as a side dish; refrigerate in plastic bag for 3 days.
Italian Flat-leaf Parsley—flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish & poultry.
Thyme– tiny green leaves used in meat and vegetable dishes and most casseroles, soups, stews, and medicinal teas.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

MUSHROOMS: You will receive Shiitake (flower-like cracking pattern on brown cap; edible mushroom native to East Asia; good in sandwiches and cooked—see below; many medicinal qualities too; grown on logs) or Oyster (white, golden, or gray oyster-shaped cap with a mild, anise, earthy odor)
-How to use: brush off dirt to clean or wipe with damp cloth, do not wash or submerge in water; good grilled, sautéed, steamed, in soups, and in sandwiches
-How to store: place in paper bag or wax bag and keep in refrigerator for up to 5 to 7 days.

ONIONS: You will receive Red Long of Tropea (a specialty heirloom variety of tall, elongated, wine-red bulbs with sweet white flesh; traditionally grown in Mediterranean Italy and France; use raw or grilled) or Big Daddy (large Spanish type yellow onion, delicately textured flesh is superb raw, and makes magnificent French onion soup; may last 8-10 months in storage) or Mars Red (purple-red skinned onion with sweet flavor. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

HOT PEPPERS (Serrano): cylindrical fruit with excellent, very hot flavor; usually eaten fresh green in sauces, condiments, or as a key ingredient in fiery Mexican dishes. See Week 12 for usage and storage information.

SWEET RED PEPPERS: You will receive Ace (medium-sized green-to-red bell pepper) or Red Knight Bell (big, blocky, thick-walled, green-to-red pepper with sweet flesh).
-How to use: eat raw for best nutrient retention; can be added to soups, stews, omelets, quiches, stir-fries, etc. Excellent roasted.
-How to store: refrigerate unwashed in fridge drawer for 1-2 weeks.

POTATOES: You will receive German Butterball (a round to oblong tuber with lightly netted golden skin that wraps around deep yellow flesh. Slightly dry flesh, this is good for everything – frying, baking, mashing, soups) or Red Norland (smooth, red skin & white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted). See Week 7 for storage information.

TATSOI: an Asian green with small, spoon-shaped, thick, dark-green leaves with tangy, sweet flavor.
-How to use: commonly eaten raw in salads and in stir-fries/soups
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag or wrap in a damp towel for up to a week.

TOMATOES: . You will receive several tomatoes from many different varieties this week, so we really encourage you to enjoy tomatoes all year long by freezing them. Very easy to freeze! Cut off bad spots, core big slicing or Roma tomatoes, and put in freezer bags whole or cut up in chunks. Cherry/Grape/Plum tomatoes just need to be washed and frozen whole in freezer bags. Add to soups or make sauces throughout the winter. *Tip: For those who don’t like skins, they come off easily (although the skin has many nutrients) when partially thawed, or dunked in warm/hot water. IT IS SO EASY TO FREEZE TOMATOES!!!! See Week 12 for storage and usage information.

WATERMELON: You will receive Little Baby Flower (small, 2-4 lb. round fruit; bright green stripe pattern on shell and dark pink flesh that is sweet and crisp with a high sugar count) or San Juan Melon (heavily netted oval fruits with ivory-colored flesh; wonderfully aromatic, pear-like, sweet flavor) or Starlight (10-12 lb. round fruit; deep green with highly contrasting black stripes and pink flesh; excellent flavor with crisp texture). See Week 11 for usage and storage information.


1. LULU COOKING CLASS last week was enjoyed by all. We made Cucumber Gazpacho, Summer Squash & Quinoa Salad, Kale & Chickpea Salad, Pane Bagnato, and a delicious Watermelon Sorbet. Thanks for those who were able to come and especially to Eric Lundy and Laenne Thompson for all their expertise.

2. KID FARM DAY will be Wed., Aug. 27, from 9 AM until noon. We are looking forward to several Native American activities such as braiding sweet grass, making clay toys, and clay seed balls. We have over 40 kids signed up, so it will be loads of fun!

3. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you. U-pick Flowers–You may pick 1 bouquet of up to 15 stems per household for “free”. Whenever possible if you can donate $1 or $2 that will help to pay for some seed and labor costs. Extra bouquets will cost $4. You may want to bring a jar to keep your flowers fresher on the ride home, although we do have many quart-size yogurt containers to use as temporary vases.
Already Picked Tomatoes—available for canning or freezing. Many slicer and heirloom varieties. Very easy to freeze! Members– $1/lb. Non members–$1.25/lb.
U-pick Tomatoes—many tomato varieties are ripening in plentiful amounts, and they are $0.50/lb.

4. PLASTIC OR PAPER GROCERY BAGS AND YOGURT CONTAINERS (quart size for u-pick flowers) STILL NEEDED, if you would like to donate some to the farm or at markets. We are running low.

5. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options on every day. If you can not pick up your box for some reason this Labor Day weekend, please have the courtesy to make some kind of contact and let us know what to do with your box.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

By Deb and Richard

This year we find the cool, wet weather to be both a help and a hindrance to the many families of vegetables we have growing on the farm. The wetness and coolness mean that we don’t have to water as often. It also means that the plants can become stressed and may develop some level of fungal disease. Every year has its own special challenges, as well as its own special success.

You may have noticed some brown spots on the basil this year, which is called “downy mildew”. It has been stressed by the cool weather and rain. Its native origin is from the hot, dry, Indian subcontinent. It doesn’t like these cool days and nights. It’s not the prettiest, but its natural oils are still potent, especially if you’re going to make sauce or make pesto. We have several generations of the basil with the brown spots, so it will be with us for awhile. We have stopped distributing it in your CSA shares, since it’s not what people are used to, but you can always ask for it at the farm. Since we plant so many successions of basil, we are hoping to have some disease-free plants sometime in September.

The stress on the tomatoes is that they are slow to ripen. To address this problem, we have planted all 8 greenhouses on the farm with many varieties of tomatoes. This means that we can close them , heat them up, and keep the rain off to create their own Mexican microclimate, which is their native origin. This has finally paid off, so we have plenty of tomatoes suddenly starting now! If you’re looking for already-picked tomatoes, pick-your-own tomatoes, or tomatoes for sauce, please let us know. See the U-pick section in the newsletter for more details.

Another challenge we are facing is that some of the beans have a light brown spot called “rust”, due to the extra rain that we’ve had, but the beans taste just wonderful. We do try to sort them out, but miss some of those rusty spots every so often. Everywhere you look the fields are full and green. The grasses and clovers still have their spring-like appearance feeding the hungry calves and cows. The squash and pumpkins have flooded the open brown soil with their tendrils, runners, and leaves, soaking up the water and the sunshine. The lettuces remain sweet and large, and of course, the mushrooms are at their zenith. As you walk in the woods you can see the ends of the logs are full of white mushroom culture, which create the fruiting caps. We are happy to provide you with their earthy flavors.

This year we’re finding many of the root crops and greens to be just excellent. So it goes, year after year. We dream the dream of this year’s weather and next year’s destiny, and see what grows well. Powdery mildew comes in the dry years and downy mildew comes in the wet years. Each moment is a new and original opportunity in which to plant and in turn harvest.


TABBOULI (The World in Your Kitchen)
1/2 c. bulgur
a few lettuce leaves
4 Tbs. chopped fresh parsley, divided
2 Tbs. chopped fresh mint
1 onion, finely sliced
4 tomatoes, chopped
1 cucumber, chopped
4 Tbs. lemon juice
4 Tbs. olive oil
salt & pepper to taste

Soak bulgur 20-30 minutes in cold water to cover. Drain well. Line a salad bowl with lettuce leaves and spoon in bulgur. Mix in 3 tablespoons of the parsley, mint, onion, and tomatoes. Whisk lemon juice with olive oil, salt and pepper; toss with salad. Sprinkle remaining tablespoon of parsley on top. Serves 4-6

Week 13: August 17 – 23, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #13
Aug. 17-23, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS or YELLOW BEANS: You will receive E-Z Pick (a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor) or Rocdor (long, slender, yellow bean; meaty, firm texture and no watery taste). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

BROCCOLI (Due to an unexpected harvest last week, our Friday/Saturday members received Broccoli, so this week ONLY Wed. members will receive it): deep emerald green, tiny buds that are clustered on top of stout, edible stems; known as an anti-cancer vegetable. See Week 8 for usage and storage information.

CARROTS: You will receive Bolero (excellent long-term, storage carrot with medium-long, thick, blunt, orange roots). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

SWEET CORN (Delectable): a mid-main season bicolor with large, well-filled 8” long ears and dark green husks; terrific for fresh eating and processing. Everything on the corn plant can be used: “husks” for Tamales, the “silk” for medicinal tea, the “kernels” for food, and the “stalks” for fodder; contains a significant amount of vitamin A, B-complex, phosphorous and potassium along with vegetable protein. * We don’t treat our corn with pesticides, so you may find some earworms enjoying the corn too; just break off the damaged part and cook the rest of the ear. See the feature article.
-How to use: ears of corn can be steamed in 1-2 inches of water for 6-10 minutes, or drop ears into boiling water (enough to cover) for 4-7 minutes; ears of corn can also be roasted unhusked in the oven or outside grill for about 20 minutes
-How to store: refrigerate with husks on, and use as soon as possible to retain sweetness and flavor.

CUCUMBERS: a slicing cucumber with dark green, straight 8-9 in. fruit; crisp with fresh flavor. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available on the farm): The flowers are really starting to swell into rainbows of colorful blooms. A bouquet per household of up to 15 stems will be part of your share, if you are able to come and pick it. This means that if you are splitting a share, each household can pick a bouquet. Please keep on the paths without stepping into or over the flower beds to harvest, which compacts the soil. More information about u-pick flowers is in the “Announcements” section.

FRESH HERBS: In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. *You may choose ONE from the following 4 Herbs:
Lovage—this is a wonderful, celery-flavored herb, good in vegetarian soups and stews, especially potato or tomato dishes. Use sparingly, since it does have a lovely strong flavor.
Italian Flat-leaf Parsley—flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish & poultry.
Curly Parsley—curly, dark green leaves, often used as a garnish, but can be used the same as flat-leaf parsley above.
Rosemary—pine needle-like leaves used with potatoes, bread doughs, risottos, mixed vegetables, and meat dishes, as well as in sweet dishes such as lemonade, creams, custards, and syrups; medicinally used for headaches, indigestion, and depression.

KALE: You will receive Curly Kale (well-ruffled, curly green leaves on green stems; this variety makes a good, roasted “kale chip”) or Lacinato Kale (dark green, noncurled, blistered leaves, but heavily savoyed). See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

ONIONS: You will receive Red Long of Tropea (a specialty heirloom variety of tall, elongated, wine-red bulbs with sweet white flesh; traditionally grown in Mediterranean Italy and France; use raw or grilled) or Big Daddy (large Spanish type yellow onion, delicately textured flesh is superb raw, and makes magnificent French onion soup; may last 8-10 months in storage) or Sterling (White, globe shaped, mildly pungent). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

HOT PEPPERS: You will receive Jalapeño (small, conical pepper, ranging from green to red; hot chile pepper used commonly in Mexican or southwestern cooking) or Serrano (cylindrical fruit with excellent, very hot flavor; usually eaten fresh green in sauces, condiments, or as a key ingredient in fiery Mexican dishes). See Week 12 for usage and storage information.

POTATOES: You will receive Yukon Gold (yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried) or Red Norland (smooth, red skin & white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted). See Week 7 for storage information.

SUMMER SQUASH/ZUCCHINI: You will receive some variety of Green Zucchini (green zucchini with uniform, cylindrical fruits) or Yellow Crookneck (long, curved neck with a sometimes bumpy, yellow skin; buttery flavor and firm texture) or Patty Pan (tender, rounded scallop, bright yellow squash with a green tip; nutty flavor). See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

SWISS CHARD(baby leaves): close relative of garden beets; multi-colored, large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor; good source of vitamins A, E, & C, as well as iron & calcium. See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

TOMATOES: You may choose one pint of one of the following 4 varieties: Red Grape (oval to oblong, baby red grape tomatoes, which have a chewy texture, sweet taste, and few seeds), or Chiquita (deep rose-pink grape tomato with great flavor and pleasant texture), Tomatoberry (unique strawberry-shaped, deep red colored fruits with firm, meaty texture and excellent sweet flavor), or Verona (similar to Juliet, but with even tastier, somewhat plumper, deep red “cocktail plum” fruits; good in sauces and in salads). You will also receive a slicing tomato called Pruden’s Purple (early Brandywine type; vivid dark pink, heirloom tomato with smooth, crimson flesh; delicious flavor and large–1 lb.+ fruit). See Week 12 for storage and usage information.

WATERMELON: You will receive Little Baby Flower (small, 2-4 lb. round fruit; bright green stripe pattern on shell and dark pink flesh that is sweet and crisp with a high sugar count) or Sunshine Yellow –8-10 lb. oval-rounded fruit with green-striped shell that has bright yellow flesh, which is brittle, juicy, and very sweet) or Starlight (10-12 lb. round fruit; deep green with highly contrasting black stripes and pink flesh; excellent flavor with crisp texture). See Week 11 for usage and storage information.


1. LULU COOKING CLASS is FULL! This will be a picnic-themed meal on Aug. 20 from 6 to 8:30 PM, and we’ll let you know how it turns out. Thanks for those who signed up this week to help fill up the class. It should be a lot of delicious fun!

2. KID FARM DAY is FULL for Wed., Aug. 27, from 9 AM until noon. More information will be coming for those registered closer to the event. Please keep in mind the option of switching your pick up to the farm that day, so we know in advance!!

3. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you.
U-pick Flowers–You may pick 1 bouquet of up to 15 stems per household for “free”. Whenever possible if you can donate $1 or $2 that will help to pay for some seed and labor costs. Extra bouquets will cost $4. You may want to bring a jar to keep your flowers fresher on the ride home, although we do have many quart-size yogurt containers to use as temporary vases.

4. PLASTIC OR PAPER GROCERY BAGS AND YOGURT CONTAINERS (quart size for u-pick flowers) NEEDED, if you would like to donate some to the farm or at markets. We are running low.

5. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options on every day.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

We are sure you’ve been waiting impatiently as we have for our first bite of corn. This cold weather has kept this high summer crop slow growing, but it is finally ready. As we introduce you to your first ear of Tantre corn, we would be remiss if we forgot about our yearly introductions to two fellow corn lovers: the European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis) and the Corn Earworm (Heliothis zea), which you may have encountered already.

The European corn borer has been a resident of the U.S. since the early 1900s. The larvae are grayish-pink caterpillars with dark heads and spots on the top of each segment about 1 inch long. They chew on leaves and tassels of corn, but especially favor the tasty insides of stalks and ears. It is not partial to corn though, since it has been recorded on 200 different plants, including beans, celery, beets, and potatoes.

Despite the fact that we hear much about the corn borer, the earworm is probably the worst pest of corn. It is said that American farmers grow two million acres of corn a year just to feed it. The color of the larvae varies from white to green and even red. They have four pairs of prolegs, are spined, and 1-1/2 inches long. These voracious eaters enter corn ears at the tip and work their way to the kernels.

If you are “lucky” enough to encounter one of these guests in your ear of corn this week, don’t throw the ear away, just break off the offensive part and cook the rest. We are “pleased” to introduce you to these smaller relatives who share your taste for corn.


**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar”, and many recipe ideas will pop up.

LOVAGE SOUP (from www.cooks.com)
1 1/2 c. sliced onion
1 clove garlic, minced
2 tbsp. butter
1/4 c. flour
5 c. chicken broth
2 tbsp. fresh lovage leaves**
5 c. sliced potato
Salt and pepper to taste
1 1/4 c. Half and Half or cream
1 tbsp. chopped parsley

Sauté onions and garlic in butter. Remove from heat and blend in flour. Stir in chicken broth. Bring to boil, stir constantly. Add lovage, potatoes, salt and pepper. Cover, reduce heat to a simmer. Cook 30-40 minutes until potatoes are soft. Stir in Half and Half and bring to boil. Sieve for a broth or can be blended with an immersion blender for a creamy, herbal-flavored soup. Heat gently, but don’t boil. Serve with sprinkle of parsley. **Celery can be substituted, when lovage is not in season.

2 cups water
3/4 cup white sugar
1-2 sprigs rosemary, leaves stripped and chopped
2 cups lemon juice
12 cups cubed seeded watermelon
8 cups ice cubes

Bring the water and sugar to a boil in a small saucepan over high heat. Stir in the rosemary, and set aside to steep for 1 hour. Place half of the lemon juice, and half of the watermelon into a blender. Strain the rosemary syrup through a mesh strainer into the blender. Cover, and puree until smooth. Strain into a pitcher, and then puree the remaining lemon juice and watermelon. Stir the lemonade before serving over ice. Makes 8 servings.

Week 12: August 10 – August 16, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #12
Aug. 10-16, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS or YELLOW BEANS: You will receive E-Z Pick (a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor) or Rocdor (long, slender, yellow bean; meaty, firm texture and no watery taste). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

BEETS (Red Ace): round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall with no greens this week. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

CUCUMBERS: a slicing cucumber with dark green, straight 8-9 in. fruit; crisp with fresh flavor. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

EGGPLANT or TOMATOES: Due to shortage of supply you will receive either eggplant or tomatoes. The eggplant varieties are Nadia (slender, purplish-black, glossy-like, bell-shaped fruit), Rosa Biana (an Italian heirloom; round fruit streaked with white and violet), or Orient Express (long, lavender fruit).
-How to use: may be salted to remove bitterness from old fruit, but also makes it less watery and more absorbent, and can greatly enhance the taste and texture of your dish; can be baked, boiled, fried, grilled, or can be sliced into rounds for grilling or broiling, and cut into cubes for stews and stir-fries. Lots of recipes and basic cooking tips in the “A to Z cookbook”.
-How to store: best fresh, but can be stored at room temperature or in refrigerator drawer for up to 1 week.

U-PICK FLOWERS (only available on the farm): Every summer we plant a variety of flowers for drying or fresh bouquets. Picking flowers is labor-intensive and transporting them is difficult, so we are not able to bring cut flowers to all the distribution sites, but we do encourage you to come to the farm to pick your flowers each week. This week you can pick up to 10 stems as the flowers are just starting. Please keep on the paths without stepping into or over the flower beds to harvest, which compacts the soil. Whenever possible if you can donate $1 (or more) that will help to pay for some seed and labor costs. More information about u-pick flowers is in the “Announcements” section.

FRESH GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; believed to help in fighting infections, cancer prevention, bolstering the immune system, lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease, used as an expectorant or decongestant, and at least some people believe that it can ward off vampires and insects. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

FRESH HERBS: *All shares will receive Basil this week. There are about 150 different species of aromatic annual and perennial basils. We grow 3 varieties, which you may choose from this week.
Genovese Basil—an herb with sweet, spicy, shiny, green leaves; traditionally used in pesto and many types of cooking.
Cinnamon Basil- small thin serrated green leaves with contrasting purple stems and purple-spiked flowers; savory element to raw dishes, soups, hot drinks, infused oils, and especially suited to fruit dishes. This is delicious as an exotic flavored hot tea!
Lemon Basil—Yum! narrow, ovate, light green leaves producing a lemon scent & strong citrus flavor; use fresh or dried in vinegars, fish, chicken, vegetables and soups; common herb found within Thai, Indonesian and several Middle Eastern region cuisines.
-How to store: Whether the basil this week has a root or just stems, it will last longer when stored in a jar, vase, or glass of water on your counter or table top. Since basil is a hot weather plant, it doesn’t like the cold, so will last longer outside of the refrigerator.

KALE: You will receive Red Russian Kale (the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged). See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

ONIONS: You will receive Red Long of Tropea (a specialty heirloom variety of tall, elongated, wine-red bulbs with sweet white flesh; traditionally grown in Mediterranean Italy and France; use raw or grilled) or Ailsa Craig Exhibition (a huge, sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion that is well known by British gardeners who grow show-size onions; great for salads, soups, sandwiches, slices, onion rings, & other dishes for flavor). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

HOT PEPPERS: You will receive Jalapeño (small and conical pepper, ranging from green to red; hot chile pepper used commonly in Mexican or southwestern cooking).
-How to use: Some folks like to handle hot peppers with gloves, and cut on glass plate. Often roasted, chopped, and used to season corn bread and cheese dishes; good for stuffed appetizers, jams, salsa, and pickles. See newsletter recipes.
-How to store: For fresh peppers, store in refrigerator. For drying peppers, place string through the stems and hang in cool, dry, well-ventilated spot.

POTATOES: You will receive Yukon Gold (yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried). See Week 7 for storage information.

SUMMER SQUASH/ZUCCHINI: You will receive some variety of Green or Yellow Zucchini (gourmet golden or green zucchini with uniform, cylindrical fruits) or Yellow Crookneck (long, curved neck with a sometimes bumpy, yellow skin; buttery flavor and firm texture) or Patty Pan (tender, rounded scallop, bright yellow squash with a green tip; nutty flavor). See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

TOMATOES or EGGPLANT: Due to shortage of supply you will receive either eggplant or tomatoes. The tomato varieties are Verona (similar to Juliet, but with even tastier, somewhat plumper, deep red “cocktail plum” fruits; good in sauces and in salads) and a slicing tomato called Pruden’s Purple (early Brandywine type; vivid dark pink, heirloom tomato with smooth, crimson flesh; delicious flavor and large–1 lb.+ fruit).
-How to use: sauté, bake, broil, or grill; eat raw in salads or add to soups, stews, or sauces
-How to store: keep at room temperature for up to 1 week

WATERMELON: You will receive Little Baby Flower (small, 2-4 lb. round fruit; bright green stripe pattern on shell and dark pink flesh that is sweet and crisp with a high sugar count) or Sunshine Yellow –8-10 lb. oval-rounded fruit; (green-striped shell with bright yellow flesh, which is brittle, juicy, and very sweet) or Sugar Baby (6 to 10 lb. icebox melon with sweet, deep red flesh and solid dark green skin). See Week 11 for usage and storage information.


1. STILL SPACES LEFT in the LULU COOKING CLASS ON AUGUST 20 from 6 to 8:30 PM! This will be a picnic-themed meal with help from our guest chefs and fellow CSA members, Eric Lundy and Laenne Thompson. There will be a $10 fee for materials and handouts for each class. So now you can check your calendar and registerby sending us your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and E-MAIL ADDRESS in the body of the email. We have 7 spaces still available, so let us know if you’re interested in joining us for a special picnic-cooking class and meal at Tantre Farm. We really would love to share a meal with you!

2. KID FARM DAY will be on Wed., Aug. 27, from 9 AM until noon. This half day will be for all kids who are 4 years and older. Activities will include an edible farm walk, sweet grass braiding, seed balls, t-shirt decoration with flower prints, and more. Snacks harvested from the farm will be included. Advance registration is required. Please bring $10 to cover the costs of materials and a farm T-shirt! Please register by e-mail to tantrefarm@hotmail.com or by sign up at the distribution sites with NAMES and AGES of children, NAME OF ADULT attending, PHONE NUMBER, E-MAIL ADDRESS, and KIDS T-SHIRT SIZE OF Large, Medium, Small, or Extra Small. Also, let us know if you need Deb to send you a t-shirt sizing chart. Please keep in mind the option of switching your pick up to the farm that day, so we know in advance!!

3. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you.
–U-pick Flowers– Some of the flowers are ready in the u-pick flower garden. You may pick 1 bouquet of up to 10 stems for “free”. You may want to bring a vase or a jar to keep your flowers fresher on the ride home! Extra bouquets will cost $4.
–U-pick Beans: Green and Yellow available for $0.50/lb.

4. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options on every day.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

**Keep in mind a very easy way to find recipe ideas for almost any combination of share box ingredients is to type the items into your preferred “search bar”, and many recipe ideas will pop up. I typed in “summer squash, jalapeno, and garlic recipe” and found the recipe below. Have fun searching! Lots and lots of ideas!

LEMON BASIL TIPS: Chop lemon basil and puree with fresh blueberries and water, then serve as a cold soup. Blend fresh lemon basil with cream, then warm and serve over pasta. Add chopped fresh lemon basil to lemon cookie dough. Puree lemon basil leaves with 1/4 cup water, then mix with sweetened yogurt and freeze and serve frozen yogurt with grilled nectarines. Make lemon pesto.

CINNAMON BASIL TIPS: Add chopped fresh cinnamon basil to pumpkin pie filling as an alternative to ground, dried cinnamon. Steep cinnamon basil leaves in water and sugar, bring to a boil to infuse and use this simple syrup to flavor whipped creams or dessert. Puree Cinnamon basil with garlic and olive oil for pesto and use to top fresh pasta. Blend Cinnamon basil leaves with heavy cream and beat until desired whipped cream consistency, then top brownies or pie. Add to fresh fruit salad for interesting flavors.

PESTO SAUCE (The Pleasure of Herbs)
2 c. washed fresh basil
3 cloves garlic
4 Tbs. pine nuts or walnuts (optional)
1/2 c. olive oil
1/2 c. grated Parmesan cheese

Place all ingredients in the blender or food processor, except the cheese, which is added after the first ingredients are pasty; and then blended again briefly. Serve this on hot pasta, boiled potatoes, green beans, sliced tomatoes, corn-on-the-cob, steak, fish, or mix with yogurt as a dipping sauce for vegetables.

SPICY SUMMER SQUASH WITH HERBS (from www.foodnetwork.com)
1 1/2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
3 medium yellow or green summer squash or a mix, diced (about 1 1/2 pounds)
1 small jalapeno, minced (with some seeds)
1 medium onion, diced
1 1/2 teaspoons white wine vinegar
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh sage or rosemary
1 large clove garlic, minced
1/4 cup minced fresh chives

Heat the oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add the squash, jalapenos, onions, vinegar, 3/4 teaspoon salt and pepper to taste and stir to combine. Cover and cook until the squash starts to brown, stirring twice during cooking, about 6 minutes. Remove the lid and continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the squash is nicely browned and tender, another 6 minutes. Add the sage and garlic and cook for 1 minute. Season with salt to taste. Stir in the chives, transfer to a bowl or platter and serve.

Week 11: August 3 – 9, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
WEEK #11
Aug. 3-9, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA: an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C. See Week 1 for usage and storage information.

GREEN BEANS or YELLOW BEANS: You will receive E-Z Pick (a round, tender, dark green, snap bean with good sweet flavor) or Rocdor (long, slender, yellow bean; meaty, firm texture and no watery taste). See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

BEETS (Red Ace): round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall with no greens this week. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

CARROTS: You will receive Bolero (excellent long-term, storage carrot with medium-long, thick, blunt, orange roots) or Mokum (a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot”; greens are delicious at this time of year). Carrot greens are very nutritious with lots of protein, minerals and high levels of vitamins, especially ‘C’ & ‘K’. **See “Carrot Top Soup” Recipe at end of newsletter. This is a favorite in some homes! See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

CUCUMBERS: a slicing cucumber with dark green, straight 8-9 in. fruit; crisp with fresh flavor. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

EGGPLANT: You will receive Nadia (slender, purplish-black, glossy-like, bell-shaped fruit) or Orient Express (long, lavender fruit).
-How to use: may be salted to remove bitterness from old fruit, but also makes it less watery and more absorbent, and can greatly enhance the taste and texture of your dish; can be baked, boiled, fried, grilled, or can be sliced into rounds for grilling or broiling, and cut into cubes for stews and stir-fries. Lots of recipes and basic cooking tips in the “A to Z cookbook”.
-How to store: best fresh, but can be stored at room temperature or in refrigerator drawer for up to 1 week.

FRESH HERBS: In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. *All shares will receive Basil, and you may choose ONE from the following 4 Herbs:
Black-stemmed Peppermint–superior fragrance and flavor; forest green leaves with deep purple veins and stems, purple flowers; leaves are good as a hot or iced tea, and adds a delicious flavor when minced and added to cooked peas, carrots, potatoes, salads, and fresh strawberries.
Thyme—tiny grayish green leaves used in meat and vegetable dishes and most casseroles, soups, stews; also commonly used in fish sauces, chowders, and egg dishes, often paired with tomatoes; medicinally used in teas, which soothe sore throats.
French Sorrel–slightly tart, lemon-flavored green; excellent for salads, soups, and sauces; can be used in omelets, breads, or cooked as a side dish; refrigerate in bag for up to 3 days.
*Genovese Basil—All shares will receive basil this week, an herb with sweet, spicy, shiny, green leaves. We supply it with root attached, so it will last up to a week or 2 when stored in a jar, vase, or glass of water on your counter or table top. Do NOT refrigerate!

KALE: You will receive Red Russian Kale (the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged). See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive heads of Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

SWEET ONIONS (Ailsa Craig Exhibition): a huge, sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion that is well known by British gardeners who grow show-size onions. See Week 10 for usage and storage information.

POTATOES: You will receive Yukon Gold (yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried) or Red Norland (smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted). See Week 7 for storage information.

SUMMER SQUASH/ZUCCHINI: You will receive some variety of Green or Yellow Zucchini (gourmet golden or green zucchini with uniform, cylindrical fruits) or Yellow Crookneck (long, curved neck with a sometimes bumpy, yellow skin; buttery flavor and firm texture) or Patty Pan (tender, rounded scallop, bright yellow squash with a green tip; nutty flavor). See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

WATERMELON (Little Baby Flower): small, 2-4 lb. round fruit; bright green stripe pattern on shell and dark pink flesh that is sweet and crisp with a high sugar count.
-How to use: slice, dice and serve as drinks, salads, or salsa.
-How to store: If melon seems not quite ripe, store at room temperature until sweet smell is coming from the soft, stem end; then store in the refrigerator.

1. KID FARM HIKE on Friday, Aug. 8 at 4:30 PM: Come join us for a guided monthly exploratory walk around Tantre Farm. We’ll use all our senses as we take an approx. 45 minute hike with CSA member, Sheila Schueller, and explore the farm’s fields, wetlands, and forest. Sheila teaches ecology and field biology classes at Eastern Michigan University and the University of Michigan. Meet at the Distribution Shed at 4:30. No RSVP necessary, but if you email that you plan to attend, then we will try to wait. (Adults are welcome too! :))

2. LULU COOKING CLASS ON AUGUST 20 from 6 to 8:30 PM! This will be a picnic-themed meal with help from our guest chefs and fellow CSA members, Eric Lundy and Laenne Thompson. There will be a $10 fee for materials and handouts for each class. So now you can check your calendar and register early by sending us your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and E-MAIL ADDRESS in the body of the email. We have 15 spaces available, so let us know if you’re interested in joining us for a special picnic-cooking class and meal at Tantre Farm. It’s always a lot of fun and guaranteed to fill your belly with deliciousness!

3. KID FARM DAY will be on Wed., Aug. 27, from 9 AM until noon. This half day will be for all kids who are 4 years and older. Activities will include an edible farm walk, a nature craft, and other stories and activities about animals and plants. Snacks harvested from the farm will be included. Advance registration is required. Please bring $10 to cover the costs of materials and a camp T-shirt! Please register by e-mail to tantrefarm@hotmail.com or by sign up at the distribution sites with NAMES and AGES of children, NAME OF ADULT attending, PHONE NUMBER, E-MAIL ADDRESS, and KIDS T-SHIRT SIZE OF Large, Medium, Small, or Extra Small. Please keep in mind the option of switching your pick up to the farm that day, so we know in advance!!

4. U-PICK AVAILABLE: Please call ahead if you plan to pick on other days besides Farm Distribution Days (Wed. and Fri.), so we can make sure someone is around to help you.
–U-pick Beans: Green and Yellow available for $0.50/lb.

5. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday and please be specific about which location you’re requesting, since we have several options on every day.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.


CARROT TOP SOUP (Local Flavors by Deborah Madison) Serves 4.
1 bunch (6 small to medium) carrots, the tops and roots
2 Tbs. butter
3 Tbs. white rice
2 large leeks (or 1 bulb onion), white parts only
2 thyme sprigs
2 Tbs. chopped dill, parsley, celery leaves or lovage
sea salt and freshly ground pepper
6 c. vegetable or chicken stock or water

Pull the lacy leaves of the carrot greens off their stems (2 to 3 cups, loosely packed). Wash, then chop finely. Grate the carrots, or finely chop them. Melt the butter in a soup pot. Add the carrot tops and carrots, rice, leeks, thyme, and dill. Cook for several minutes, turning everything a few times, then season with 1-1/2 teaspoons salt and add the stock. Bring to a boil and simmer until the rice is cooked, 16 to 18 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and serve.

BEET AND CARROT PANCAKES (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website) Serves 8.
1 1/3 cups (packed) coarsely shredded beets (2 medium)
1 cup coarsely shredded, peeled carrots (2 medium)
1/2 cup thinly sliced onion
2 cloves minced garlic
1 large egg
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/3 cup all purpose flour
3 Tbs. olive oil
Sour cream

Preheat oven to 300°F. Place baking sheet in oven. Combine beets, carrots and onion in large bowl. Mix in egg, salt and pepper. Add flour; stir to blend well. Heat 1 1/2 tablespoons oil in heavy large skillet over medium heat. Using 1/3 cup beet mixture for each pancake, flatten into pancake with your hands, and then put 4 pancakes into skillet. Flatten with spatula, if need be, into a 3-inch round. Cook until brown and cooked through, about 4 minutes per side. Transfer pancakes to baking sheet in oven; keep warm. Repeat with remaining beet mixture, making 4 more pancakes. Serve pancakes with sour cream.

PROVENCALE HERO (from Capay Organic Farm CSA “Farm Fresh To You” website)
2 tablespoons EACH water & lemon juice
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon minced fresh rosemary
2 teaspoons dried Italian seasoning
6 (1-oz.) slices mozzarella cheese
1-1/2 cups cubed yellow squash
1 loaf French bread, cut lengthwise
2 tablespoons olive oil
1/2 teaspoon pepper
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup cubed tomato
3/4 cup cubed zucchini
1 cup cubed red bell pepper
2 cups cubed peeled eggplant

Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Cut cubed vegetables into 1-inch cubes. Combine water, lemon juice, vinegar, rosemary, Italian seasoning, oil, pepper & garlic in a bowl; stir. Add eggplant, squash, pepper & zucchini; toss. Place mixture in pan. Bake 20 minutes, stir often. Combine roasted vegetables & tomato; toss. Put vegetable mixture on bottom half of loaf, top with cheese slices & top half of loaf. Place loaf on pan & bake until cheese melts. Cut into 6 pieces.

VEGETABLE TEMPURA (for 6 meal or 10 appetizer servings, prepare about 60 pieces of vegetable pieces (large onion rings, whole green beans, carrot, zucchini, beet slices, etc.)
Tempura Batter
2 ½ cups sifted flour
3 egg yolks
2 cups cold water
Dash or salt
Oil for frying

Beat the egg yolks with the water and salt. When the mixture is smooth, sift in the pre-sifted flour gradually, stirring as you go. Stir only until the batter is combined. Heat oil in a deep, wide pan. The oil should be at least 325 degrees and not more than 350 degrees. Dip the veggies into the batter and carefully drop them into the oil. Fry until brown and puffy and risen to the surface. Drain on paper towels and either serve immediately, or keep warm in a 300 degree oven on a tray in a single layer.

Week 10: July 28 – August 2, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
July 28-Aug. 2, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


ARUGULA or SPICY GREENS : You will receive Arugula (an aromatic, bright salad green with a peppery mustard flavor, which is rich in iron and vitamins A and C) or Spicy Greens (an amazing, mildly spicy, leafy mix of greens and reds with a wide variety of leaf shapes and sizes with ingredients such as Golden Frills, Ruby Streaks, Tokyo Bekana, and Red Komatsuna).
-How to use: used for salads and sautéing–cooks up quickly
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for 2 to 4 days.

GREEN, PURPLE, or YELLOW BEANS: You will receive Maxibel French Fillet (very slender green bean with firm texture and good taste), Royal Burgundy (brilliant purple, smooth, round, meaty pods; add stunning color to salads when used raw; pods turn dark green when cooked; excellent fresh or frozen), or Rocdor (long, slender, yellow bean; meaty, firm texture and no watery taste).
-How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
-How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week

BEETS: You will receive Red Ace (round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall, red-veined green leaves). See Week 7 usage and storage information.

CARROTS (Mokum): a very sweet, slender, “pencil carrot” with edible green leaves. Greens are delicious in soups and also salads.
-How to use: Can be used raw as carrot sticks, grated in salads or juiced; steamed or sautéed, in stews, soups, casseroles, stir-fries
-How to store: Remove greens from roots and refrigerate dry and unwashed roots in plastic bag for up to 2 weeks; greens may last up to a week refrigerated in plastic bag.

CUCUMBERS: a slicing cucumber with dark green, straight 8-9 in. fruit; crisp with fresh flavor. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

FRESH HERBS: In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. *All shares will receive Basil, and you may choose ONE from the following 4 Herbs:
Black-stemmed Peppermint–superior fragrance and flavor; forest green leaves with deep purple veins and stems, purple flowers; leaves are good as a hot or iced tea, and adds a delicious flavor when minced and added to cooked peas, carrots, potatoes, salads, and fresh strawberries.
Italian Flat-leaf Parsley—flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish & poultry.
Sage–an herb from an evergreen shrub in the mint family with long, narrow, grayish-green leaves; a musky aroma and a warm and spicy taste; used in making sausages, stews, breads, and teas; enhances meats, vegetables, salads, pickles, and cheese.
French Sorrel–slightly tart, lemon-flavored green; excellent for salads, soups, and sauces; can be used in omelets, breads, or cooked as a side dish; refrigerate in bag for up to 3 days.
*Genovese Basil—All shares will receive basil this week, an herb with sweet, spicy, shiny, green leaves. We supply it with root attached, so it will last up to a week or 2 when stored in a jar, vase, or glass of water on your counter or table top. Do NOT refrigerate!

KALE: You will receive Red Russian Kale (the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged). See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

SWEET ONIONS (Ailsa Craig Exhibition): a huge, sweet, mild, yellow-skinned, heirloom onion that is well known by British gardeners who grow show-size onions.
-How to use: great for salads, soups, sandwiches, slices, onion rings, & other dishes for flavor
-How to store: not for long storage; wrap in damp towel or plastic bag in fridge for 2 to 7 days.

NEW POTATOES (Yukon Gold): yellowish brown skin with yellow dry flesh and pink eyes; long storage and good tasting. See Week 7 for storage information.
-How to use: perfect baked, boiled, mashed or fried

SUMMER SQUASH/ZUCCHINI: You will receive some variety of Green or Yellow Zucchini (gourmet golden or green zucchini with uniform, cylindrical fruits) or Yellow Crookneck (long, curved neck with a sometimes bumpy, yellow skin; buttery flavor and firm texture) or Patty Pan (tender, rounded scallop, bright yellow squash with a green tip; nutty flavor). See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

1. KID FARM DAY will be on Wed., Aug. 27, from 9 AM until noon. This half day will be for all kids who are 4 years old and older. Activities will include an edible farm walk, a nature craft, and other activities about animals and plants. Snacks harvested from the farm will be included. Advance registration is required with a small fee for materials, which is still being determined. Please register by e-mail to tantrefarm@hotmail.com or by sign up at the distribution sites with names and ages of children, name of adult attending, phone number, and e-mail address. Anyone interested in helping out, please contact Deb as soon as possible, so we can brainstorm and share our ideas.

2. LULU COOKING CLASS ON AUGUST 20 from 6 to 8:30 PM! This will be a picnic-themed meal with help from our guest chefs and fellow CSA members, Eric Lundy and Laenne Thompson. There will be a $10 fee for materials and handouts for each class. So now you can check your calendar and register early by sending us your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and E-MAIL ADDRESS in the body of the email. We have 15 spaces available, so let us know if you’re interested in joining us for a special picnic-cooking class and meal at Tantre Farm. It’s always a lot of fun and guaranteed to fill your belly with deliciousness!

3. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thank you so much to those of you, who continue to volunteer! So much rain has fallen this summer (and continues to fall!) that the weeds are loving it! If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark.

4. VACATIONS or OUT OF TOWN: Please remember to contact us at least by Sunday to make changes in pick up days or locations.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

By Richard and Deb

The full moon is gone. We may not think the deer can see the tender lettuce leaves at night to nibble. Even so, we have been setting our farm dog on guard at the edge of the field to keep them away in the evening hours. It’s interesting to try to grow crops on the edge of what would seem to be some of the last shreds of our native ecosystem. There are diurnal bunnies and ground hogs that nibble each morning and nocturnal mice, deer, and coons to nibble in the evenings. Sandhill cranes stab the corn stalks out of the ground uprooting them to expose the tiny, golden, sweet seed underneath and onto the sweet/sour blackberry bushes. To save the crops we have the dog and pie tins tied on steel fence posts that tinkle in the wind and shine in the sun. It seems to work for awhile—kind of. It holds the animals to a minimum of foraging anyway. All of these creatures are looking for energy to fatten their bellies for the imminently approaching cold season, only a couple of months away (although some of these summer nights feel like fall already). Some burrow down and hibernate. Others will fly away on the southern winds for warmer climates. For now they feast, building strength and reproducing, and life continues summer after summer. Such a mystery to behold! So much impermanence!

With the exceptionally cool, wet weather the tomatoes are taking their good, sweet time to ripen. They are all over the place on the farm—in every greenhouse and on the western hill by the spreading oak tree, along with the peppers and eggplants. This is the first year that we have pulled up and closed the end walls of many of our greenhouses, so the tomatoes will have extra ripening heat. It is the first year that we have been able to start many spring-like crops, such as parsnips, carrots, beets, and spinach, in the middle of the summer without additional irrigation. This is the first year that we’ve grown spinach from spring until fall continuously, as well as starting several new rotations of peas to be ready in September. This is an unusual year, but so it seems is every year these days as well. We are caught in this cycle of unpredictable weather. Call it climate change. Call it global warming. Call it the usual “unpredictable weather”. It is such a mystery, so much impermanence on a micro scale and on a global scale.

Disturbingly confusing, but perhaps just as with the animals learning to burrow into our carrots, into our corn, into our great harvest, into the work that sustains and nourishes us, we can find a sense of a lifestyle–one that respects the balances of native and original flora and fauna and learn to live within the limits of our space and our climate with the sweat of our own brow. This is the accumulated skill of our craft in growing animals and plants for the local community of loving family and friends.


1 qt. green beans, stems removed
2 carrots, sliced medium-thin
2 cups walnuts (halves or pieces – and feel free to substitute cashews or favorite nuts)
1 cup raisins (optional)
3 T. cooking oil
2 T. tamari
2 T. maple syrup or barley malt or brown sugar etc.
Steam carrots 3 minutes, add beans and steam another 2-3 minutes, then place in pan (cast iron recommended) where oil is already hot.
Saute 3 minutes then make space in the center of the pan and add walnuts, then sweetener and tamari, then raisins if desired (it will already be fairly sweet). If you wished to be slightly more meticulous, you could combine nuts, raisins, sweetener, and tamari in a separate bowl and mix well before adding to stir-fry. Stir-fry another 3-5 minutes and ENJOY!!

4 medium summer squashes-cut into 1/4 inch lengthwise slices
4 medium zucchini, cut into 1/4 inch lengthwise slices
1/2 pound of baby greens (arugula, spicy greens, lettuce)
1/4 cup olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup fresh basil, chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
3 cloves garlic, very thinly sliced
1/4 cup olive oil
2-3 anchovies, rinsed, dried and roughly chopped (optional)
3 medium tomatoes, roughly chopped
1/4 cup Moroccan dry cured olives, pitted and roughly chopped (optional)
3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon Kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
6 ounces feta cheese
Prepare grill for medium high heat. In a large bowl toss to combine: squashes, olive oil, garlic, basil, parsley, salt and pepper. Place on grill 2-3 minutes each side, or until grill marked. Turn and cook other side. Remove and set aside. In a sauté pan over medium heat, add shaved garlic and anchovies. Cook just until the garlic starts to turn golden brown. This will happen quickly, be sure to watch carefully. Add tomatoes and olives and cook 2-3 minutes. Stir in balsamic vinegar. Season with salt and pepper. To plate, combine zucchini with greens and place small mound in the center of plate. Spoon tomatoes and olives over zucchini. Roughly grate feta over top. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Week 9: July 20 – July 26, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
July 20-26, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com.

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


GREEN, PURPLE, or YELLOW BEANS: You will receive Maxibel French Fillet (very slender green bean with firm texture and good taste), Royal Burgundy (brilliant purple, smooth, round, meaty pods; add stunning color to salads when used raw; pods turn dark green when cooked; excellent fresh or frozen), or Rocdor (long, slender, yellow bean; meaty, firm texture and no watery taste).
How to use: raw in salads, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, etc.
How to store: refrigerate in plastic bag for up to 1 week

BEETS: You will receive Red Ace (round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall, red-veined green leaves). See Week 7 usage and storage information.

CABBAGE: You will receive Gonzales (a sweetly spicy green mini cabbage with 4-6-inch heads) or Red Express (solid, round, 2-4 lb. red heads). Cabbage is considered a beneficial digestive aid and intestinal cleanser. It has a good amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium, and Vitamins A & C.
How to use: good steamed, stir-fried, or chopped raw into salads or coleslaw
How to store: refrigerate for up to 1 month

CUCUMBERS: a slicing cucumber with dark green, straight 8-9 in. fruit; crisp with fresh flavor. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

FRESH GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; believed to help in fighting infections, cancer prevention, bolstering the immune system, lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease, used as an expectorant or decongestant, and at least some people believe that it can ward off vampires and insects. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

FRESH HERBS: In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. *All shares will receive Basil, and you may choose ONE from the following 4 Herbs:
Anise Hyssop (also called “licorice mint”)— catnip-like, soft, sweet, anise-scented leaves are used as a seasoning for salads, main dishes, fruits, and desserts, but most commonly used as a delicious licorice-flavored tea. The purple flower spike is edible too. It was used medicinally by Native Americans for coughs, fevers, wounds, and diarrhea.
Oregano–member of the mint family and is similar to marjoram, but not as sweet and more pungent flavor and aroma; good in soups and tomato-based dishes.
Rosemary—pine needle-like leaves used with potatoes, bread doughs, risottos, mixed vegetables, and meat dishes, especially lamb, as well as in sweet dishes such as lemonade, creams, custards, and syrups; very strongly flavored, so use sparingly, finely chopped, or remove from dish after cooking; considered a memory stimulant and medicinally used for headaches.
Curly Parsley—curly, dark green leaves, often used as a garnish, but can be used the same as flat-leaf parsley, such as with eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish, poultry, & pork.
*Genovese Basil—All shares will receive basil this week, an herb with sweet, spicy, shiny, green leaves. We supply it with root attached, so it will last up to a week or 2 when stored in a jar, vase, or glass of water on your counter or table top. Do NOT refrigerate! See feature article in this newsletter and recipes in the “A to Z” Cookbook and Tantre Farm website.

KALE: You will receive Red Russian Kale (the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged). See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LEEKS: green leaves with white to pale green stems.
-Cooking Tip: Slit from top to bottom and wash thoroughly with root facing up to remove all of the dirt trapped between the leaf layers. See Week 7 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

NEW POTATOES (Red Norland): smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

SPINACH: You will receive a bag and a bunch of this crisp, dark green leaf– best eaten raw or with minimal cooking to obtain the beneficial chlorophyll, as well as vitamins A & C; delicious flavor when juiced. See Week 1 newsletter for usage and storage information.

SUMMER SQUASH/ZUCCHINI: You will receive some variety of Green or Yellow Zucchini (gourmet golden or green zucchini with uniform, cylindrical fruits) or Yellow Crookneck (long, curved neck with a sometimes bumpy, yellow skin; buttery flavor and firm texture) or Patty Pan (tender, rounded scallop, bright yellow squash with a green tip; nutty flavor). See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

SWISS CHARD: close relative of garden beets; large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor; good source of vitamins A, E, & C, as well as iron & calcium. See Week 6 for usage and storage information.


1. THANKS TO THOSE WHO CAME TO THE SUMMER WORK PARTY on Sunday, July 20. Thanks so much for joining us for delicious potluck food, berry picking, and good companionship. It was so much fun to see so many friends, family and members show up. We clipped and cleaned 34 crates of garlic, stripped dried herbs, harvested potatoes, or just took a stroll or wagon ride around the farm. If you’d like to help out anytime, just give us a call ahead of time.

2. NO COOKING CLASS ON July 23! RESCHEDULED for AUGUST 20 from 6 to 8:30 PM! This will still be a picnic-themed meal with help from our guest chefs and fellow CSA members, Eric Lundy and Laenne Thompson. There will be a $10 fee for materials and handouts for each class. So now you can check your calendar and register early by sending us your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and E-MAIL ADDRESS in the body of the email. We have 15 spaces available, so let us know if you’re interested in joining us for a special picnic-cooking class and meal at Tantre Farm. It’s always a lot of fun and guaranteed to fill your belly with deliciousness!

3. “FORAGE AND PRESERVE” CLASS this Sat. July 26 from 3 to 5 PM: Local forager, Rachel Mifsud, will be leading this class at Tantre Farm. More information about the class will come this week to those who already signed up. Please feel free to add your name to our Waiting List, and we’ll contact you if someone cancels.

4. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thank you so much to those of you, who continue to volunteer! So much rain has fallen this summer (and continues to fall!) that the weeds are loving it! If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark.

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

Basil is one of the most sacred plants of India. It has been used to make royal unguents, perfumes, and medicines. A tea can be made to settle the nerves and aids with indigestion. Medicinally, it is used to stimulate perspiration for the treatment of colds, flu, and fevers. The French have used basil to repel mosquitoes and flies, which is why pots of it may be found at sidewalk restaurants in France.

Basil’s most popular use though is as a culinary herb. It is more commonly known for its primary role in tomato sauces, pesto, and salad dressings. It is also popular in Mediterranean dishes and Thai curries. It partners well with almost any summer vegetable, but especially tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, green beans, and summer squash.

Fresh basil deteriorates quickly, especially when refrigerated. It is a warm-weather crop and is sensitive to cold temperatures. If leaves are wrapped in a dry towel and kept in an airtight container, it can be kept at about 50 degrees for a few days before leaves start blackening. That is why we provide it with roots attached, so you may retain its freshness for a week or longer by placing the roots in a jar of water, changing the water every few days, and we don’t refrigerate it. You may also freeze fresh leaves in a plastic zip-lock bag, if you don’t mind the darkened color. This is very easy–just wash leaves, spin dry, place in Ziploc bag, remove air, seal, and freeze. Basil can also be dried by hanging in a dry, warm, well-ventilated place for about 2 weeks. If you would like to retain some of the green color, it needs to be dried quickly in a dehydrator or in the oven at its lowest setting with door ajar. The leaves can be separated before drying and stirred often. Remove dried leaves and store in a sealed glass jar—away from light and heat.

Some people make pesto from the basil leaves and freeze it in ice cube trays or drop on cookie trays like “drop cookies”; then bag it when frozen to be used as needed. Others just mix chopped basil with olive oil or water and freeze in ice cube trays. Remove frozen herb cubes and place in freezer bag. One frozen cube is equivalent to 1 tablespoon fresh or about 1 teaspoon of dried herb, which flavors vegetables, meats, stews, and soups all winter long.

**We grow a lot of basil, so you will all receive basil fairly consistently from now until the first frost in September or October, so plan on freezing, drying, or making pesto, so that you will enjoy its summer aroma all winter long. If you don’t think you can use it every week, then just don’t take it. Have fun and enjoy a plethora of basil over the coming weeks!


ANISE HYSSOP SAUCE RECIPE (from Field Guide to Herbs & Spices by Aliza Green) Makes 1 cup.
**A sweet-sour sauce that’s great with lamb, veggies, or risotto.
3 tablespoons sugar
6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup anise hyssop leaves, coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons cornstarch
2 tablespoons water

Combine sugar, apple cider vinegar, and 1/2 cup water in a small pot and bring to a boil. Add anise hyssop leaves and flowers and return mixture to a boil. Turn off the heat and allow mixture to steep for 30 minutes. Pour through a sieve, pressing leaves to extract all liquid. Combine cornstarch and 2 tablespoons water in a small bowl. Whisk into strained liquid. Bring mixture to a boil while whisking to thicken the sauce. Serve with roast lamb, veal, veggies, or risotto.

1 pound bowtie pasta
1 cup lightly packed basil leaves
3/4 cup packed cilantro or anise hyssop or parsley leaves
1/2 cup steamed fresh spinach, well drained
1/2 cup freshly grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons butter, softened
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 1/4 teaspoons sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
6-8 ounces goat cheese

Bring a large pot of salted water to boil and cook the pasta to your liking. While the pasta is cooking, combine the basil, cilantro, spinach, Parmesan, butter, garlic, salt and pepper in a food processor and process until smooth. Add the goat cheese and pulse until well mixed with the other ingredients. When the pasta is cooked, drain, but reserve 1 or 2 tablespoons of the cooking water. Combine the hot pasta with the processed ingredients and the cooking water in a large bowl. Mix until the pasta is coated well. Serve and make sure you have salt and pepper on the table to season to taste.

Week 8: July 13 – 19, 2014

Tantre Farm CSA Newsletter
July 13-19, 2014

If needed, please contact Richard Andres & Deb Lentz at 2510 Hayes Rd. Chelsea, MI 48118 e-mail: tantrefarm@hotmail.com phone: 734-475-4323 website: www.tantrefarm.com

In our newsletter, we try to give you an accurate listing of the produce in your box; however, since the newsletter is published before the harvest, we may sometimes substitute some vegetables for others. The information provided here is also published each week on our website.

We also try to keep the formatted newsletter to a 2-page maximum, which means that we won’t list all the share items’ descriptions every week, but refer you to previous newsletters for information on items that have already appeared in your shares.

**Also, if you’re having trouble identifying any unfamiliar produce, please look for “Veggie ID” with additional information on our website under CSA INFO or under RECIPES.


BEETS: You will receive Red Ace (round, smooth, deep red roots with sweet flavor and medium-tall, red-veined green leaves). See Week 7 usage and storage information.

BROCCOLI: deep emerald green, tiny buds that are clustered on top of stout, edible stems; high in vitamins A, C, calcium, potassium, and iron; known as an anti-cancer vegetable
-How to use: use raw, steamed, sautéed, stir-fried, in casseroles, soups, pizzas, etc.
-How to store: store loosely in plastic bag for up to a week

CUCUMBERS: a slicing cucumber with dark green, straight 8-9 in. fruit; crisp with fresh flavor. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

FRESH GARLIC: a bulb of several papery white cloves; believed to help in fighting infections, cancer prevention, bolstering the immune system, lowering blood pressure and preventing heart disease, used as an expectorant or decongestant, and at least some people believe that it can ward off vampires and insects. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

FRESH HERBS: In general, store herbs upright with cut stems in 1 or 2 inches of water and refrigerate for up to 2 weeks or wrap in slightly dampened cloth and store in refrigerator. You may choose 1 out the following 4 herbs this week:
Dill– feathery green leaves that go well with fish, potatoes, beets, carrots, and yogurt sauces; considered a good luck symbol by early Romans. Dill partners nicely with Cucumbers this week!
Spearmint– leaves are bright green with mild flavor and fragrance; used in both sweet and savory dishes and in alcoholic drinks, such as Mint Juleps or Mojitoes; good as a hot or iced tea. See other “Mint” recipes in “A to Z” cookbook.
Lemon Balm– these fragrant lemon-minty leaves make a delicate herbal tea, served hot or cold; good addition to lettuce or fruit salads and ice cream; nicely paired with grilled fish or lamb and tossed with steamed vegetables; also aids in depression or nausea.
Italian Flat-leaf Parsley—flat, glossy, dark green leaves have a strong parsley/celery flavor for use dried or fresh; especially good in omelets, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, soups, pasta and vegetable dishes, as well as, sauces to go with fish & poultry.

KALE: You will receive Red Russian Kale (the stems are purple, and leaves are deep gray-green, purple-veined, flat, non-curled, and tooth-edged). See Week 3 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LEEKS: green leaves with white to pale green stems.
-Cooking Tip: Slit from top to bottom and wash thoroughly with root facing up to remove all of the dirt trapped between the leaf layers. See Week 7 newsletter for usage and storage information.

LETTUCE: You will receive Green Leaf, Red Leaf, Romaine or Buttercrunch. See Week 2 for usage and storage information.

NEW POTATOES (Red Norland): smooth, red skin and white flesh; great baked, boiled, or roasted. See Week 7 usage and storage information.

SUMMER SQUASH/ZUCCHINI: You will receive some variety of Green or Yellow Zucchini (gourmet golden or green zucchini with uniform, cylindrical fruits) or Yellow Crookneck (long, curved neck with a sometimes bumpy, yellow skin; buttery flavor and firm texture) or Patty Pan (tender, rounded scallop, bright yellow squash with a green tip; nutty flavor). See Week 6 for usage and storage information.

SWISS CHARD: close relative of garden beets; large veined, semi-crinkly, dark green leaves; mild flavor; good source of vitamins A, E, & C, as well as iron & calcium. See Week 6 for usage and storage information.


1. SUMMER WORK PARTY/OPEN HOUSE this coming Sunday, July 20 between 1-4 p.m. This day often tends to be hot and sunny, but not sure about THIS summer! However, we’ll have lots of water play for the kids and shade-related activities for the adults, such as cleaning garlic. For those more adventurer-gardener types, we will be weeding the herb and flower garden and other patches in the fields, and harvesting such as potatoes—very kid friendly! Members are encouraged to bring family and friends to Tantré Farm to see the farm decked out in its summer finery, for wagon ride farm tours, and for getting to know fellow community members. This is a completely voluntary event, so you can also come just for the fun, such as listening to live music, picking a pint of black raspberries, which would go nicely with our plans to make fresh, hand-cranked, home-made ice cream! These are further incentives to encourage folks to come out to see the farm. As usual a potluck is included, so please feel free to bring a snack or refreshment. Also, if anyone wants to help “set up” at 11 or 11:30 AM or bring a musical instrument, please let us know. We look forward to showing you the farm! More details to come!

2. COOKING CLASS ON July 23! 6 to 8:30 PM at the farm. We will help prepare a delicious picnic-themed meal with help from our guest chefs and fellow CSA members, Eric Lundy and Laenne Thompson. Team up with other CSA shareholders to prepare a dish (or 2) using just-picked produce and a handful of ingredients to create transportable foods you can enjoy on a picnic of your own this summer! Eric & Laenne will share cooking tips, offer recipes that are simple, and ideas for preparing veggies from your share – even cool tricks with kohlrabi! There will be a $10 fee for materials and handouts for each class. Please register by contacting us soon with your NAME, PHONE NUMBER, and E-MAIL ADDRESS in the body of the email. We have 15 spaces available, so let us know if you’re interested in joining us for a special picnic-cooking class and meal at Tantre Farm.

3. “F0RAGE AND PRESERVE” CLASS is full: Local forager, Rachel Mifsud, will be leading this class at Tantre Farm on Sat., July 26 from 3 to 5 PM. More information about the class will come closer to the actual date. Please feel free to add your name to our Waiting List, and we’ll contact you if someone cancels.

4. WEEDING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Thank you so much to those of you, who continue to volunteer! So much rain has fallen this summer (and continues to fall!) that the weeds are loving it! If you are interested in helping out–even if it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes before you pick up your box at the farm, come join us. Please contact us any day of the week or evenings until dark. You are a big help right now!

Ann Arbor Farmers’ Market (Wed.)–7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Farm (Wed.)–10 A.M. to 7 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Wed.) –6 P.M. to 8 P.M.
Farm (Fri.)–2 P.M. to 7 P.M.
Community High School (Sat.) –7 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Washtenaw Food Hub (Sat.)—10 A.M. to 12 P.M.
Chelsea Farmers’ Market (Sat.)–8 A.M. to 12 P.M.

The cucumber, a member of the gourd family, is a distant relative to pumpkins, squash, and melons. It is said to have originated in the Middle East. It has been eaten as an unripe fruit, since Biblical times. As a relative of melons, cucumbers are very high in water and so very refreshing, especially during these hot days of summer. They are 94% water and also contain small amounts of vitamins A, C, and a few minerals. For some, however, cucumbers are hard to digest, so seedless and “burpless” cucumbers have been bred to prevent this problem.

Our cucumbers are not waxed (to keep them from rotting for a longer shelf life) like ordinary cucumbers found in the store, so skin and all can be eaten. The skins are rich in vitamin E, so they are also known as an effective skin conditioner. Also, some of the nutrients, such as vitamin A, iron, and potassium are lost when the skin is removed. The cucumber skins, besides being good for human skin, also contain silicon and chlorophyll, making them well worth eating. If you do wish to remove the skins, you may try making “cukesicles” for the kids. At Tantré Farm, sometimes we peel the skins off and slice the cucumbers in half lengthwise making a long, slender, cooling treat we call “cukesicles”.

The cucumber is a non-starchy, alkaline “cooling” vegetable. It is an excellent diuretic, helping the kidneys in waste elimination. Cucumbers contain the enzyme, erepsin, which helps digest proteins and destroys worms. The cucumber’s potassium content makes it useful for high and low blood pressure.

Cucumbers deteriorate very quickly, because of their high water content, so it is important to store them in a sealed plastic bag in refrigerator crisper drawer. Keep them away from tomatoes, apples, or citrus, which give off ethylene gas, and can speed up their deterioration.

Most people enjoy cucumbers raw or pickled in salads or sandwiches, but sometimes a cuke can be julienned, sautéed, or baked. Try cucumber rounds topped with egg or tuna salad, or simply with salt. Make refrigerator pickles, which are very simple and delicious. They are featured in a number of ethnic dishes.

Although not as nutritious as most of the garden vegetables, cucumbers are very satisfying and help us replenish fluids and minerals lost in perspiration, leaving us as “cool as a cucumber”. They are very reviving on a hot summer’s day. Be prepared for a lot of them in your share this week! They are really thriving with these warm, rainy days!


CHILLED CUCUMBER-YOGURT SOUP (from Moosewood Cookbook by Molly Katzen)
4 c. cucumbers, peeled, seeded, & chopped
2 c. water
2 c. yogurt
1 garlic clove
several fresh mint leaves
1 Tbs. honey
1 1/2 – 2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. dried or ½ tsp. fresh dill
chopped scallions

Purée everything together in a blender or food processor, saving the scallions for garnish. Chill for several hours before serving. Serves 4-6.

COLD CUCUMBER LEEK SOUP (contributed by CSA member, Kim Bayer) *This is a creamy soup made without cream, using potatoes instead for body. For a lighter soup, you can leave out the potatoes. See vegetable “variations” below!

2 leeks – white and light green part, cut in half, thinly sliced
1 large clove garlic – coarsely chopped
1 Tbsp. oil
1-2 c. potato – chopped into 1-inch pieces
2 c. thinly sliced cucumber
2 Tbsp. dill (or another herb)- chopped fine and divided
2 c. broth (should just cover vegetables, may need a little more)
1-2 c. cold buttermilk or plain yogurt

Sauté leeks and garlic in the oil, just until wilted and not yet browned. Add potato and cucumber. Stir a bit. Add 1 Tbsp. chopped dill. Just barely cover vegetables with broth and bring to a simmer. Let simmer until potatoes are very tender, but not falling apart, about 20 minutes or so. When the vegetables are very soft, let the mixture cool. Once it’s cool, purée vegetables and broth together with an immersion blender, regular blender, food processor, etc., adding the remaining 1 T. dill. Check the seasoning – add salt and pepper if you like. Chill the vegetable purée. Before serving stir in the amount of buttermilk that you like. I find that 2/3 vegetable purée to 1/3 buttermilk is about right at our house. Garnish with more dill.

Summer squash soup: Substitute zucchini or yellow squash or any summer squash for the cucumber and potato combo. We eat this a lot and love it on hot days. With some bread and cheese, it makes a great meal.
Summer borscht: For the main vegetables, use a combination of 1/3 potatoes, 1/3 roasted beets, and 1/3 cabbage (or Swiss chard stems), maybe even a few carrots. Even people who don’t like beets will love this soup!

SPECIAL EDITION of Extra Recipes

TZATZIKI (Mad Mares Cookbook)
2 large cucumbers, peeled and grated
2 large cloves garlic, minced
2 cups plain yogurt
1 Tbs. mint

Lightly salt the grated cucumbers, place in colander or strainer, and set aside to drain for about half an hour. In a bowl, combine the drained cucumbers with the rest of the ingredients. Chill for about 30 minutes before serving.

BLANCHED PEAS WITH CUCUMBERS (from The Victory Garden Cookbook by Marian Morash)
1 ½ cups shelled peas (especially if you have any peas left!)
2 tsp. salt
1 Tbsp. dill, chopped
2-3 cups cucumbers, diced

Blanch 1 ½ cups shelled peas by bringing 2 quarts of water with 2 tsp. salt to a boil. Drop peas into water and bring back to a second boil as quickly as possible. Blanch peas for 2-4 minutes until bright green. Drain them, and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process. Sauté cucumbers, and add blanched peas with 1 tablespoon chopped dill. Reheat in butter. Serve immediately.

BAKED CUCUMBERS IN BASIL CREAM (from Farmer John’s Cookbook: The Real Dirt on Vegetables)
1 ½ Tbs. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. salt
¼ tsp. sugar
4-5 cucumbers, peeled, halved lengthwise, with 1-inch slices
2 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
1 scallion, finely chopped
1 cup heavy cream
3 Tbs. chopped fresh basil leaves
Salt & freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Mix the vinegar, salt, and sugar in bowl. Add the cucumber slices and toss to combine. Set aside to marinate for 30 minutes. Drain the cucumber slices in a colander, then pat them dry with a clean dish towel. Put cucumber slices in a shallow baking dish. Pour the melted butter over them and add the scallion; toss to combine. Bake the cucumbers, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 45 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the cream in a small pot until it comes to a light boil. Continue to cook the cream, stirring frequently, until it is reduced to ½ cup, about 20 minutes. Stir in the basil and turn off the heat; let mixture steep for 2 minutes. Pour the basil cream over the cooked cucumber slices. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serves 4 to 6.

Cooking Tip about Cucumbers: “If the natural moisture content is withdrawn beforehand, cucumbers exude so much water as they are heated that you usually end up with a tasteless mush and swear never to cook cucumbers again. Blanching for a few minutes before cooking will remove unwanted water, but also most of the cucumber flavor. Blanching in salt draws out the water and also the bitterness, if they are the bitter European type, yet leaves the flavor, which a little vinegar and salt accentuates. Baked cucumbers go with roast, broiled, or sautéed chicken or veal.”